




Can anyone add Privacy Manifest???
(I am working on an iOS project.) I'm looking into Privacy Manifest as an Apple policy change. I have a problem here.. some of the libraries I use are no longer updating. I can't find a library to replace it, so I'm going to fork the library, and I'm going to add Privacy Manifest. Apple API Doc I will download the fork library into my Mac and search the entire API list announced by Apple above through Xcode one by one. If I find a problem API, I will add it to Privacy Manifest. Is this a good way to do it??? Is there any better way?? Wouldn't it be a problem for me to add??
Dec ’23
The 'Privacy Manifest' of the library downloaded from SPM is not recognized in the 'Privacy Report'.
I am using the library through SPM. I asked the library developer to add Privacy Manifest, and it was completed. But when I checked Archive on Xcode, it doesn't generate a report. How can I solve it?? What modifications should I ask library developers to make?? I've seen in other questions to check out "Do not embed". But it seems to be different from this situation.
Dec ’23
Is a Privacy Manifest Required When Using Notification Service Extension?
Apple requires declaring the use of UserDefaults in both the App and third-party libraries in the PrivacyInfo. However, I also utilize UserDefaults in the Notification Service Extension. Should I treat the Extension as part of the App and only declare it within the App project? Or do I need to separately declare it for the Extension as well?
Feb ’24
How to send Push without sound and indication on iOS
Hi, I need a feature in the iOS app that requires updating the user screen via FCM. In other words, I have to update it with no sound and screen display, but this doesn't work. When I remove the notification field, the notification will not be displayed to the user, but the sound will be played. If I remove the sound field, I can make no sound, but the user will be notified. If I remove both, I'm not getting this from the iOS app. How can I solve this?? Which option should I send Push from the server?? I'm also using Notification Service Extension.
Feb ’24
Is the GLKit library Apple's?
Hi. My team is still using GLKit. I have no choice but to keep using it to support non-iOS products as well. (We don't have many developers.) While researching 'Privacy Manifest', I found out that the third party library needs to add 'PrivacyInfo'. I confirmed on Xcode that GLKit is Apple SDKs. Does this mean it's not a third party library? Is using GLKit not related to 'Privacy Manifest'?
Mar ’24
Is there a reason why the colors are displayed differently in the mail related to Privacy Manifest?
This is the mail I received from Apple while testing. If you look at it, it shows that there are two items that are problematic. As you can see, "ITMS-91053: Missing API decimation" shows the same problem in both, but the colors are displayed differently. (Purple, Gray) There were four problems in the mail I received while testing more, but all of them received the same color. Is this just a mail error?? Or does the color have a meaning?
Mar ’24
How to Support for Static Library(.a) Privacy Manifest
Our team uses a static library (.a) consisting of C and C++. Our team is developing static libraries internally and not sharing them to the outside. Should we still provide 'Privacy Manifest' in this case?? I added the contents of our team's static library (.a) to the app's 'Privacy Manifest' and there was no problem. Nevertheless, if I have to add it separately to the static library (.a), should I create a new framework project itself and not use the .a? Or can I just create a new framework and wrap the .a file??
Mar ’24
If I remove the API from a third-party library, does it not require Privacy Manifest??
Suppose I received a Privacy Manifest from Apple in the process of reviewing the app. I used "UserDefaults" and "File timestamp APIs" among the APIs, and I didn't add Privacymanifest. And there is nothing in the mail other than "UserDefaults" and "File timestamp APIs". And so is the code. If I remove all the code related to "UserDefaults" and "File timestamp APIs" from the library in this situation, is it okay not to add "Privacy Manifest" from the library as well?? The library can be FrameWork or Static Library.
Apr ’24
iOS 17.5.1 Xcode WebKit Crash
iOS 17.5.1 Xcode WebKit Crash Hello, I have two iPhone devices that I have. These devices are iOS17.5.1, and all Wk related codes cause Crash. Crash occurs when Xcode Build is complete and the app is running. If you run without connecting to Xcode, Crash does not occur. Error: Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT (code=1, subcode=0x19e88fa18) Xcode 15.4, MacBook Pro 14 Sonoma 14.5 There was no issue with iOS 16.5. WKWebsiteDataStore.default() .fetchDataRecords(ofTypes: WKWebsiteDataStore.allWebsiteDataTypes()) { records in records .forEach { WKWebsiteDataStore.default() .removeData(ofTypes: $0.dataTypes, for: [$0], completionHandler: {}) } } let webConfiguration = WKWebViewConfiguration()webConfiguration.preferences.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true
May ’24
Does the app using the API provided by the Coin Exchange pass the App Store review?
Hello, I'm trying to create an app. I'm thinking of an app that can make coin trading convenient. I'm not a cryptocurrency exchange, I'm just trying to use the API provided by the exchange. Do these app violate Apple review guidelines?? As for the app function The user enters the API Key of the exchange. I want to make it easy to provide users with various and convenient transactions through the API Key input. Does the app using the API provided by the Coin Exchange pass the App Store review? I don't see any related apps.. Was it all rejected in the App Store review?? Does the app I think violate the policy below? 3.1.5 Cryptocurrencies: (iii) Exchanges: Apps may facilitate transactions or transmissions of cryptocurrency on an approved exchange, provided they are offered only in countries or regions where the app has appropriate licensing and permissions to provide a cryptocurrency exchange. (iv) Initial Coin Offerings: Apps facilitating Initial Coin Offerings (“ICOs”), cryptocurrency futures trading, and other crypto-securities or quasi-securities trading must come from established banks, securities firms, futures commission merchants (“FCM”), or other approved financial institutions and must comply with all applicable law.
Jun ’24