




Hover effect is shown on a disabled button
Hello. I have a scenario where a hover effect is being shown for a button that is disabled. Usually this doesn't happen but when you wrap the button in a Menu it doesn't work properly. Here is some example code: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { NavigationStack { .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .topBarTrailing) { Menu("Menu") { Button("Disabled Button") {} .disabled(true) .hoverEffectDisabled() // This doesn't work. Button("Enabled Button") {} } } } } } } And here is what it looks like: This looks like a SwiftUI bug. Any help is appreciated, thank you!
Quick look preview is closing sheet by accident on visionOS
Hello! I have a simple app that opens a sheet and when you press a button on the sheet it will open a quick look preview of a picture. That works great but when I exit the quick look preview it will close the sheet too. This seems like unexpected behavior because it doesn't happen on iOS. Any help is appreciated, thank you. Here is some simple repo: import QuickLook import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @State private var pictureURL: URL? @State private var openSheet = false var body: some View { Button("Open Sheet") { openSheet = true } .sheet(isPresented: $openSheet) { Button("Open Picture") { pictureURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "someImagePath") } // When quick look closes it will close the sheet too. .quickLookPreview($pictureURL) } } } And here is a quick video:
Jan ’25
Scrolling to a `Section` cuts off header
Hello I was wondering if this is expected behavior or if there is a way I can fix this to get the behavior I am expecting. I have a Form that has many sections in it and when the content of the section is selected I would like that section to be scrolled to the top to make it easier for the user to know that they selected that section. But when the Section is selected, it is anchored to the top of the form but the header of the Section is cut off. When the Section is anchored to the top I would like the whole section to be seen (the header, content, and footer). I also tried applying an ID to the section and using that to scroll to and that also didn't work. Any help would be appreciated. Here is some code to repo this: struct ContentView: View { @State private var selectionSectionContent: SectionContent? var body: some View { ScrollViewReader { proxy in Form { ForEach(contents, id: \.self) { content in Section { Text(content.text) .onTapGesture { selectionSectionContent = content } } header: { Text("Header") } footer: { Text("Footer") } } } .onChange(of: selectionSectionContent) { _, newValue in if let newValue { // When text is tapped, scroll that section to the top. withAnimation { proxy.scrollTo(newValue, anchor: .top) } } } .padding() } } let contents: [SectionContent] = [ SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent(), SectionContent() ] } class SectionContent: Hashable { let text = "Fun Section" public var id: ObjectIdentifier { ObjectIdentifier(self) } static func == (lhs: SectionContent, rhs: SectionContent) -> Bool { == } func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { hasher.combine(id) } } Here is a GIF of the header getting cut off when it is pinned to the top.
Jan ’25
Availablility check is incorrect on visionOS
With this sample code here: import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Text("Hello world") .hoverEffect(isEnabled: true) } } private extension View { func hoverEffect(isEnabled: Bool) -> some View { if #available(iOS 17.0, *) { // VisionOS 2.0 goes in here? return self .hoverEffect(.automatic, isEnabled: isEnabled) } else { return self } } } You would expect if the destination was visionOS it would go into the else block but it doesn't. That seems incorrect since the condition should be true if the platform is iOS 17.0+. Also, I had this similar code that was distriubted via a xcframework and when that view is used in an app that is using the xcframework while running against visionOS there would be a runtime crash (EXC_BAD_ACCESS). The crash could only be reproduced when using that view from the xcframework and not the local source code. The problem was fixed by adding visionOS 1.0 to that availability check. But this shouldn't have been a crash in the first place. Does anyone have thoughts on this or possibly an explanation? Thank you!
Oct ’24
Memory Leak using simple app with visionOS
Hello. When displaying a simple app like this: struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { EmptyView() } } And run the Leaks app from the developer tools in Xcode, I see a memory leak which I don't see when running the same application on iOS. You can simply run the app and it will show a memory leak. And this is what I see in the Leaks application. Any ideas on what is going on? Thanks!
Aug ’24
Vision Pro preview window looks different than on simulator
Hello, I have a simple SwiftUI view that shows this bottom bar in the view and I noticed that in SwiftUI previews the 2D window is squared off while in the simulator it has rounded edges. This effects the bottom bar because as you can see in the simulator the text is cut off. I am using Xcode 16 beta and visionOS 2 beta. Why do the two windows look different? And I am surprised the text is getting cut off in the rounded window. SwiftUI Preview: Vision Pro Simulator
Jul ’24
visionOS console warning: Trying to convert coordinates between views that are in different UIWindows
Hello, I have an iOS app that is using SwiftUI but the gesture code is written using UIGestureRecognizer. When I run this app on visionOS using the "Designed for iPad" destination and try to use any of my gestures I see this warning in the console: Trying to convert coordinates between views that are in different UIWindows, which isn't supported. Use convertPoint:fromCoordinateSpace: instead. But I don't see any visible problems with the gestures. I see this warning printed out after the gesture takes place but before any of our gesture methods get kicked off. So now I am wondering if this is something we need to deal with or some internal work that needs to happen in UIKit. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Jul ’24
Tapping once with both hands only works sometimes in visionOS
Hello! I have an iOS app where I am looking into support for visionOS. I have a whole bunch of gestures set up using UIGestureRecognizer and so far most of them work great in visionOS! But I do see something odd that I am not sure can be fixed on my end. I have a UITapGestureRecognizer which is set up with numberOfTouchesRequired = 2 which I am assuming translates in visionOS to when you tap your thumb and index finger on both hands. When I tap with both hands sometimes this tap gesture gets kicked off and other times it doesn't and it says it only received one touch when it should be two. Interestingly, I see this behavior in Apple Maps where tapping once with both hands should zoom out the map, which only works sometimes. Can anyone explain this or am I missing something?
Jul ’24
MTKView is now available on visionOS but isn't working on visionOS 1.x
Hello! I noticed that after WWDC 24 there was support added for MTKView in visionOS 1.0+. This is great! But when I use an MTKView in anything before visionOS 2.0 it doesn't work and the app ends up crashing. Console error when running on a device that is on visionOS 1.2: Symbol not found: _$s27_CompositorServices_SwiftUI0A5LayerV13configuration8rendererAcA0aE13Configuration_p_ySo019CP_OBJECT_cp_layer_G0CScMYcctcfC Expected in: <EFD973D2-97E1-380B-B89A-13CC3820B7F7> /System/Library/Frameworks/_CompositorServices_SwiftUI.framework/_CompositorServices_SwiftUI Looks like MTKView may be using compositor services under the hood? Any help would be great. Thank you!
Jul ’24
Render metal with passthrough not working with correct Info.plist
I can get the fully immersive rendering working with metal and composite services but in WWDC 24 rendering metal with passthrough was announced: I watched the video and downloaded the test project. I noticed that the passthrough was showing up in the demo project but not in my metal project. After debugging I found out it was this key: Preferred Default Scene Session Role in my Info.plist that was set to Compositor Services Immersive Space Application Session Role (like the video said) but it needed to be set to Window Application Session Role for the passthrough to come in. Is this a bug?
Jun ’24
Fully immersive content using Metal is not getting the correct gesture locations
We followed this documentation to display a fully immersive map using our metal rendering engine, which worked great. But this part of the article: mentions how to use the onSpatialEvent callback to receive gesture events. We are receiving the gesture events but the location property of the event ( is always coming back as (x: 0, y:0) which is not helpful. We are unable to get a single valid location of any gesture, therefore, we are unable to hook up these gestures. We tried this on a simulator and a Vision Pro device.
May ’24
Archiving swift package that supports visionOS requires x86_64 architecture
Hello, I have a swift package that supports visionOS and one of its targets is a xcframework that also support visionOS and when I try to archive that swift package (using xcodebuild archive) I get this error: note: '<xcframework path>' is missing architecture(s) required by this target (x86_64), but may still be link-compatible. (in target '[library name]' from project '<swift package name>') But starting in Xcode 15.2 (I have Xcode 15.4 installed), you cannot develop for visionOS on Intel machines. So why does it require that the xcframework needs x86_64 support for the visionOS simulator? Any help would be great. Thanks!
May ’24
`xcodebuild build-for-testing` does not work when there are build plugins and multiple destinations
Hello, we recently added a build plugin to our swift package and we have a Xcode project that uses the swift package as a dependency and we build that Xcode project from the command line using xcodebuild build-for-testing. After we added that build plugin to the swift package, xcodebuild now fails and says this: If I remove that build plugin from the swift package then xcodebuild build-for-testing will build successfullly. It is also worth noting then when we run the xcodebuild build-for-testing command we pass in multiple -destination flags. If we pass one -destination flag then xcodebuild succeeds even with the build plugin. So it seems like the issue is around having multiple destination flags and a build plugin added. This sounds like a bug within xcodebuild. Any thoughts or ideas on why this isn't working would be helpful! Here is an example of what our full xcodebuild command looks like: xcodebuild build-for-testing -project “SomeProject” -scheme “SomeScheme” -configuration Debug -destination ‘SomeDestination1’ -destination ‘SomeDestination2’ -destination ‘SomeDestination3’ -disableAutomaticPackageResolution -onlyUsePackageVersionsFromResolvedFile -skipPackageUpdates -skipPackagePluginValidation -allowProvisioningUpdates DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=SomeTeam Thank you!
Apr ’24
xcodebuild -create-xcframework not working in Xcode 15.0
Hello! I have found a weird behavior change when running xcodebuild -create-xcframework in Xcode 15 compared to running it in Xcode 14.3.1. If I run the command like this in Xcode 15: xcodebuild -create-xcframework -framework "pathToFrameworkInATemporaryDirectory" -debug-symbols "pathToDebugSymbols" -output "Something.xcframework" I get this error: error: cannot compute path of binary 'Path(str: "temporaryPathToTheUnixExecutableFile")' relative to that of 'temporaryPathToTheFramework' But if I trace that path to the unix executable file in the framework, it is present. If I run that same command in Xcode 14.3.1, it works fine. I can create the xcframework successfully in Xcode 15 if I don't copy the framework to a temporary directory before calling xcodebuild -create-xcframework and I use that original path. Why is this problem happening now in Xcode 15? Any help is appreciated, thank you.
Sep ’23