I have a service that can be accessed via browser extensions on Chrome and Firefox. I've had a request for Safari.
Setting up an account is done via a regular browser app, the browser extensions are free but an account with API keys to use it are by subscription.
My question is I assume Apple wants it share, is this correct?
The Safari browser extension requires and API key that is managed via our site. There is a subscription to use the service across different browsers and this is handled by our site NOT the extension. There would be a link to the admin site in the extension
Is it possible to submit an "Empty App" to the store and have it excepted?
By "empty" i mean an app with a collection of components (including menu and menu items) with an api call or two to get colours, menu items, pages, content, etc
I'm a developer just branching out into mobile apps and I've asked a few others but no one can give me a definitive answer. Most common answer is, "Yes for Android, but probably not for Apple".