




CI broken frequently by lawyers
We notarize all of our apps as part of our nightly build. Every few weeks Apple changes something in the developer agreement, and therefore require the primary account holder to accept the new terms. However, this means our nightly builds break until the terms are accepted, which is a true pain in the ***. Is there some way to tell notarytool to force the notarization? Or tell the lawyers to chill tf out? This seems to happen every 2-4 weeks.
Dec ’24
System Prefs panel crash on Monterey
We have a system prefs panel that runs fine on many versions of mac OS, including Big Sur, but crashes on Monterey betas. The pref panel needs to do some IPC with a daemon process, for which it uses mach ports (and the code for that is in a shared framework outside of the prefpane bundle, if that matters). All components of this setup are signed and notarized. We have a separate app that makes the same IPC calls as the pref panel, and it runs fine on Monterey. The crash log shows a Termination Reason I've never seen before, and it seems that crash reporter hasn't either: Termination Reason: Namespace <0x17>, Code 0x2000020000013507 So, should we wait for the next beta and see if things fix themselves, or bag the System Preferences environment altogether and just go with a separate app (20 years of documentation be damned)?
Sep ’21
"Processing delayed due to a service issue" ?
One of our pkgs has been put in notarization limbo a few times (slightly different builds each time) with the status "Processing delayed due to a service issue". The oldest instance it over 2 days old, so I'm not confident that it will ever complete.What can we do about this? I've read posts about long delays in notarization that seem to involve service outage, but this seems a bit different. Apple has inserted itself into our build/distribution process in a most inconvenient way.
Oct ’19