




ARKit body tracking (ARBodyAnchor) broken in iOS 18.0 + 18.1
I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a workaround for the broken ARKit body tracking in iOS / iPadOS 18.0 and 18.1? The orientation for foot bones (and possibly other bones) is incorrect in the ARBodyAnchor returned via ARView.session.delegate update method. It works correctly in iOS / iPadOS 17.x. The same failure occurs in a SceneKit app via a ARBodyAnchor in ARSCNViewDelegate. You can easily verify the problem using Apple’s own sample app: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Oct ’24
Xcode 16.0 and 16.1 regression: only allows .scn files to be added to .scnassets group
There is a significant regression in Xcode 16.0 and 16.1 (16B5014f) in that it no longer allows asset files other than .SCN files to be added to a .scnasset group and folder. This really wrecks our ability to maintain our app since we heavily depend on additional assets like .USDZ, .JPEG, .PNG, etc. files to be able to be included in the group for on-demand resource tagging and loading. I filed FB15239224 but I'm wondering if this is intentional and if anyone knows of a workaround.
Sep ’24
How to get USDZ or DAE model units?
How do I retrieve the units (e.g., centimeters, meters) for a USDZ or DAE model file in SceneKit? I've tried to use SCNSceneSourceAssetUnitKey as follows, but I never get any values returned. RealityConverter seems to show the units for USDZ files before export and when I look at a DAE file XML it seems to have the correct metadata, but I've not found any way to retrieve it. Is it broken or is there another method (e.g., Model I/O)? if let modelSource = SCNSceneSource(url: url, options: options) { NSLog(" units = \(String(describing: SCNSceneSourceAssetUnitKey)))")
May ’21
Catalyst app localized languages other than base language (EN) not being displayed in Mac App Store
Our macOS Catalyst app is localized for four languages: English (Base), French, Spanish and Chinese (Simplified). This all works fine during testing. However, when the app is uploaded via Xcode to the App Store, it only shows “English” in all of the areas where languages are displayed. For example, on the Mac Build Activity building information page. Only “EN” is also shown in Mac App Store app. This all works correctly in iOS App Store with same build, archive, upload steps. Has anyone else noticed this problem and if so, have you found a solution?
Jan ’21
How to show or hide primary in UISplitViewController in iOS 14 / macOS 11?
With all the changes to UISplitViewController for iOS 14 and macOS 11 Catalyst, is there now a simple way to show or hide the primary view controller when it's using displayMode == .automatic? Basically a way to programmatically do what the displayModeButton does when it's tapped? I've tried invoking the new .hide(.primary) method, which does indeed hide the primary as advertised, but unfortunately the display mode button also goes away so the user has no way to get the primary back again.
Oct ’20
How to disable Metal compiler warnings for SceneKit / ARKit?
The Metal compiler when invoked by SceneKit is generating a lot of spurious warnings in iOS / iPadOS 14 Beta 7 & 8. This seems to be causing a significant degradation in performance for our SceneKit/ARKit-based app. Is there any way to disable this unnecessary Metal compiler logging? I tried making a MTLCOMPILERFLAGS = -w environment variable, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Feedback ID FB8618939. Logging looks like this: 2020-09-09 14:23:33.700122-0700 App[4672:1638397] [Metal Compiler Warning] Warning: Compilation succeeded with:  programsource:95:26: warning: unused function 'reduceop'     static inline float4 reduceop(float4 d0, float4 d1)                          ^ programsource:581:26: warning: unused variable 'scnshadowsamplerordz' static constexpr sampler scnshadowsamplerordz = sampler(coord::normalized, filter::linear, mipfilter::none, address::clamptoedge, comparefunc::greaterequal);                          ^ 2020-09-09 14:23:33.962519-0700 App[4672:1638397] [Metal Compiler Warning] Warning: Compilation succeeded with:  programsource:95:26: warning: unused function 'reduceop'     static inline float4 reduceop(float4 d0, float4 d1)                          ^ programsource:581:26: warning: unused variable 'scnshadowsamplerordz' static constexpr sampler scnshadowsamplerordz = sampler(coord::normalized, filter::linear, mipfilter::none, address::clamptoedge, comparefunc::greaterequal);
Sep ’20
SCNLight .castsShadow = true stops rendering for a few seconds
Our app enables users to load .scn and .usdz 3D models and some of them contain lights with shadows enabled. When a node with a light and shadows is loaded from the model scene file and added as a child to a node in another SCNView, rendering of the SCNView pauses for a few seconds. The pause is inconsistent: sometimes it pauses for seconds, sometimes it's only a few milliseconds. If the user adds multiple lights to the scene, the pause can be as long as 12 seconds, which results in a very bad user experience (i.e., scene freezes for seconds showing previous render). Does anyone have any idea what this problem is or how to work around it? I've tried many, many settings of the SCNLight parameters, and nothing seems to change it much. The lights that are part of the original scene have shadows enabled and I've not seen a rendering delay when that scene is loaded. The user-added models are "prepared" for the scene view via its the SCNView .prepare method before being added to the scene, but that doesn't seem to have any effect on the delay (.prepare helps non-light node performance though). I've tried debugging it with Instruments and it appears that it may be compiling one or more shaders during the rendering delay. If it's doing that on the rendering thread, that might explain it, but then how do I solve it?
Jun ’20
ShareRecord: Unable to find applicationIdentifier for containerId
Our app supports iCloud CloudKit sharing and provides URLs of CKShare records to users (e.g. via UICloudSharingController). Clicking on the URL in the Apple Mail or Messages app in macOS or iOS works fine. Pasting the link into Safari on iOS also works fine.But including the link in a web page or pasting it into Safari or Chrome on macOS or Edge on Windows 10 (we have a fall-back web site for non-Apple users) results in a fatal "iCloud has stopped responding" error page displayed in the browser.The app is a "universal" app and is available in both the Mac App Store and iOS App Store. All the CloudKit features otherwise work fine on both platforms.Does anyone have an idea what we might do to solve this? Do we have something misconfigured somewhere?I've also submitted a DTS Technical Support Inquiry #735184444 and Feedback #FB7697827.For example: in:"iCloud has stopped responding."DetailsAPP NAMEcloudos2CLIENT TIMEMon May 11 2020 14:04:46 GMT-0700 (PDT) (1589231086615)USER AGENTMozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_5) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.1.1 Safari/605.1.15HOSTNAMEwww.icloud.comBUILD INFO2007Hotfix35__2007Hotfix35__en-usSESSION IDe8317bf4-9fc6-4678-b3e9-e190619fdfa8ENVIRONMENT INFOPRODREPORTED ERROR TITLEShareRecord: Unable to find applicationIdentifier for containerId = and fileExtension = undefinedREPORTED ERROR TYPEUNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONERROR CONTEXTundefinedLINE NUMBER11STACKr@[native code]
May ’20
Is CloudKit sharing really in iOS 10?
Is the CloudKit sharing support announced at WWDC16 actually supported in iOS 10? The documentation for CKShare, UICloudSharingController and friends is still (as of Sept 10, 2016) sparse to nonexistent.I haven't been able to find any overview of it other than the WWDC presentation, which lacks important details and doesn't quite match the API interfaces any more. The sample code released on Sept 7 says "Add a new Sharing tab with CloudKit Sharing examples (Big new feature for WWDC)." but I can't find anything in the code about it. Even a Google search for "ckshare" or "uicloudsharingcontroller" turn up nothing interesting. And I've tried to get it working on my own, but I've only been able to get a few simple cases to sort of work. I see that the iOS 10 Notes app works pretty well, so maybe it's working for some cases.Am I missing something? Has anyone else had any luck with it?
Sep ’16