




Download Container downloads only partial container
In Xcode Version 16.2 (16C5032a) - and previous versions too, the download container in the Devices & Simulators functionality no longer works. It will start downloading the container, however it will also: show NO download progress fail to download the whole container (the downloaded container is missing whole directories, eg. AppData/Library is missing - where my application stores the CoreData db) show no errors This was tested with the XCode version stated above (and previous versions) and with iPhone XR (18.1.1 - MR42CN/A) and with iPad (17.7.2 - MR7F2FD/A). How can I debug this issue / make the Xcode download the whole container? Running on Mac mini 15.1.1 (24B91).
Feb ’25
SwiftUI: Assigning an accessibility identifier on Menu Section Item
Hi, I'm attempting to do an UI tests on my iOS app. I'm using swiftui for one part of the app and, for the love of god, I can't figure out how to attach an accessibility identifier on the individual items in the Menu Section. It appears these are just ignores (as well as eg. multiple Text() items within one Button()). Any idea how can i find my items? (those items with top-popup-section- identifier) - Other than the text they show as that's not really a possibility for me. This is roughly the code i have: .toolbar {      ToolbarItem(placement: .principal) {       Menu {        Section(content: {         ForEach(pages as? [FormFillPageViewControllerSU<FormFillComponentSU>] ?? [], id: \.id) { page in          Button {           if let index = pages.firstIndex(where: { view in            if let localPage = view as? FormFillPageViewControllerSU<FormFillComponentSU>,     == {             return true            }            return false           }) {            withAnimation {             currentPage = index            }           }          } label: {           Text(page.title)            .lineLimit(nil)            .multilineTextAlignment(.leading)          }           // ID for this element doesn't propagate correctly in iOS < 15, so tests cannot work           .accessibilityIdentifier("top-popup-section-s\(")         }        }, header: {         Text("Switch to Page")        })       } label: {        VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 2, content: {         let text = viewModel?.response.displayName() ?? "N/A"         let maxLength = UIDevice.current.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad ? 85 : 35         Text(text.with(maxLength: maxLength)).font(.headline)          .frame(minWidth: 100, minHeight: 24, alignment: .center)          .fixedSize(horizontal: true, vertical: true)          .accessibilityLabel(NFLocalizedString("Switch to page", comment: "Fill Page"))          .nestformsAccessibilityIdentifier("response-title-label")         Text(          (pages[currentPage] as? FormFillPageViewControllerSU<FormFillComponentSU>)?           .title ?? "N/A"         ).font(.subheadline)          .frame(minWidth: 100, minHeight: 15, alignment: .center)          .fixedSize(horizontal: true, vertical: true)        }).foregroundColor(Color(         viewModel?.response.brand?.color?.appHeadingColor          ?? viewModel?.appBranding?.color?.appHeadingColor          ?? BrandColor.available[.initial]?.appHeadingColor          ?? .label))       }      }     }
Sep ’22