




Is CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD=YES required for getting low latency behaviour on Safari and AVPlayer?
I am testing HLS Low latency streams but could not to a low playback latency. For comparison purpose I used Apple HLS-LL stream( where I can get latency of 6 seconds on Safari and AVPlayer. The main difference between the non-working and working streams is CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD attribute. This is set as YES for Apple HLS-LL test stream where latency is observed as 6 seconds vs other stream where latency is ~= 3 full segments duration(~18 seconds). As a test I tried to change CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD=YES to CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD=NO in variant playlist response of the Apple stream using a proxy tool after which I get same result of latency ~= 3 full segments duration(~18 seconds). On AVPlayer, I see following log with CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD=YES which seems to point towards AVPlayer entering low latency mode when setting up blocking reload. mediaserverd <SEGPUMP> segPumpSetupBlockingReload: 0x1040e7600: Player entering Low Latency mode Can Apple support or someone forum members who might have experience with this please share if CAN-BLOCK-RELOAD=YES is mandatory for low latency mode to be enabled in Safari browser and AVPlayer on iOS/tvOS?
Jan ’24
Safari Fairplay WebKitMediaKeyError (code: 6, systemCode: 4294955417)
Hi Apple Team, we are observing following error intermittently when trying to playback FairPlay protected HLS streams. The error happens immediately after loading the certificate. Playback with same certificate on same device(Mac, iPhone) works most of time but intermittently this error is observed with following codes. The code=6 means MEDIA_KEYERR_DOMAIN but I did not find any information on what does systemCode=4294955417 mean? Is there a way to check what does this system code mean and what could be causing this intermittent behaviour? { "code": 6, "systemCode": 4294955417 }
Dec ’23