




How to stop supervised users from turning off web filters from settings
Hi,team: I have configured SystemExtensions and WebContentFilter for supervised devices through mdm, and set NonRemovableFromUISystemExtensions in SystemExtensions, but found that my network filter cannot be deleted in macOS10, macOS11 and macOS12, but it can still be turned off by selecting the network filter in the network and choosing to disable the service. However, it cannot be turned off in macOS13, macOS14 and macOS15. How can I prevent supervised devices from turning off the network filter in 10, 11 and 12? The macOS 10.15.7 image is as follows: macOS15.1.1 cannot delete and cannot close the image as follows: Hope to receive your reply!
Dec ’24
Can RemovableSystemExtensions be configured in the MDM configuration file of macOS10.15-12?
Hi,team: I know that the MDM system extension configuration parameter RemovableSystemExtensions can only be valid after macOS12+, but can I also use this parameter between macOS10.15-12? Even if he is ineffective. Will this cause any problems with the system. I want to use the same MDM configuration file for the devices I manage, which have systems between macOS10.15-15.I hope to receive your confirmation
Dec ’24
Can't NSUserDefaults be used between container apps and system extensions?
Hi, I try to use NSUserDefaults to share some parameter values ​​between the container app and the system extension. I have added the App Group in Signing & Capabilities in both apps. I set it in the container app and read it in the system extension app, but the information I read from the system extension is nil. I tested that I can read the information directly from the container app. Is the system extension running in the sandbox not allowed to read other app information? But the information I see should be OK, as shown below: The container app code is as follows: NSUserDefaults *sharedDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@""]; [sharedDefaults setObject:@"Sample Data" forKey:@"SharedData"]; [sharedDefaults synchronize]; The system expansion reading code is as follows: NSUserDefaults *sharedDefaults = [[NSUserDefaults alloc] initWithSuiteName:@""]; NSString *data = [sharedDefaults objectForKey:@"SharedData"]; os_log_debug(logHandle, "NSUserDefaults: %{public}@", data);
Nov ’24
What is the principle behind the network filter developed through system expansion starting up with the computer's startup
I developed a network filter using system extensions and placed the system extension program in a container app. I activated the extension and enabled the network filter in the/Applications directory through the container app. After that, my container app process exited, and only the system extension program process in the/Library/SystemExtensions directory was running. After booting up and upgrading the macOS system, the system extension program will be launched, and I learned from the link below that the system extension will be launched with the system at startup: . But I haven't learned from the official documentation of System Extensions and NetworkExtension why system extensions start with the system and what their principles are. Because the container app under the activation system extension/Application did not start. Has the network filter developed for system expansion been registered in the system related files or frameworks? Ensure that it will start after each startup
Sep ’24
Why do 12.6.0 and 14.5.0 trigger other apps to receive SIGPIPE signals when starting the network filter, but 10.15, 11, 13, and 14.6.1 do not?
Hi,team: I am testing a product and found that my 12.6.0 and 14.5.0 computers will cause other app processes to exit when starting my network filter, but 10, 11, 13, and 14.6.1 will not. I can see the exit log of the app from launchd.log. Why is this? The log is as follows: 2024-09-12 19:34:36.783374 (gui/501/app_bundleid [546]) : exited due to SIGPIPE | sent by App[546] 2024-09-12 19:34:36.783383 (gui/501/app_bundleid [546]) : service state: exited 2024-09-12 19:34:36.783386 (gui/501/app_bundleid [546]) : internal event: EXITED, code = 0 2024-09-12 19:34:36.783389 (gui/501/app_bundleid [546]) : job state = exited 2024-09-12 19:34:36.783411 (gui/501 [100005]) : service inactive: app_bundleid 2024-09-12 19:34:36.783414 (gui/501/app_bundleid [546]) : service state: not running 2024-09-12 19:34:36.783582 (pid/546 [App]) : shutting down
Sep ’24
Is there any difference between starting the network filter by sending a configuration file from MDM and starting the network filter through sharedManager?
Hi, Team: Is there any difference in the underlying logic between starting the network filter by configuring the MDM description file through the first connection below and starting the network filter through the second connection in the code? First connection: Second connection:
Sep ’24
MDM activation of system extensions causes other apps to be killed
I sent the description file through MDM in advance and configured the system extension and web content filter. When my code uses activationRequestForExtension:queue: to activate the system extension, other security app processes will be killed. I received the following message. May I ask why this may be? 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737229 (gui/501/killed_bundleid [679]) : exited due to SIGPIPE | sent by killed_app[679], ran for 301372ms 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737239 (gui/501/killed_bundleid [679]) : service state: exited 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737245 (gui/501/killed_bundleid [679]) : internal event: EXITED, code = 0 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737247 (gui/501/killed_bundleid [679] ]) : job state = exited 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737274 (gui/501 [100003]) : service inactive: killed_bundleid 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737277 (gui/501/killed_bundleid [679]) : service state: not running 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737282 (pid/679 [killed_app]) : shutting down 2024-09-02 11:42:19.737310 (pid/679 [killed_app]) : cleaning up
Sep ’24
How to uninstall system extensions
Hi,Team: I successfully installed the system extension through MDM and want to uninstall it through RemovableSystemExtensions, but this command does not support versions below macOS 12. Is there any other way to pause or uninstall the system extension? Can I delete the configuration file that allows system extensions through MDM? Or send and delete the configuration file of AllowedSystemExtensions?
Aug ’24
When developing a network filter, MDM has configured AllowedSystemExtensions and succeeded, but a reminder still appears when savingToPreferencesWithCompletionHandler
Hi, Team: I developed a network filter and used MDM to issue a description file. By configuring AllowedSystemExtensions, I can avoid the reminder of loading system extensions during installation. However, when savingToPreferencesWithCompletionHandler, I will still be reminded that my network data is monitored. How can I configure MDM to avoid this reminder? And why can I still delete the filter from the network filter conditions even though I configured it in mobileconfig in the following way. NonRemovableFromUISystemExtensions com.mysystemextensionid
Aug ’24
After the app turns on system expansion and allows network expansion, can the app be deleted?
Hi Team: I first created a macOS app and added a target of the network extension of the system extension to the app. The function of my app is to enable the system extension and allow the network extension. The app only enables the network filter and does not perform other operations. After completion, it will execute [NSApp terminate:nil]; to exit. My network filter can run normally after the app exits, and I use rm -rf to delete the app from /Application, and the network filter can still run normally. This result is what I want, but I don’t know if it is reasonable to delete the app from /Application. My understanding is that the network filter I developed is registered with the system, so it is okay to delete it from /Application. Is this correct?
Aug ’24