




Is it possible to disable tab switching or prevent interaction with CPTabBarTemplate in CarPlay?
Hello, I'm currently developing a CarPlay app using the CPTabBarTemplate, and I need to know if it's possible to disable user interaction with the tab bar, specifically preventing the user from switching between tabs or tapping on the tab items. Is there a way to lock the selected tab or ignore tab switching attempts programmatically? I would like to maintain the tab bar UI but prevent users from changing tabs or interacting with it while in a certain mode or condition.
Jan ’25
How to Get the Selected Tab in CPTabBarTemplate When Clicking a Tab in CarPlay?
Hi everyone, I'm developing a CarPlay application and using a CPTabBarTemplate to display multiple tabs. I want to determine which tab is selected when the user clicks on a tab, specifically when switching to the second tab. Here’s the relevant part of my code: class CarPlaySceneDelegate: UIResponder, CPTemplateApplicationSceneDelegate { var interfaceController: CPInterfaceController? var tabBarTemplate: CPTabBarTemplate = CPTabBarTemplate(templates: []) func templateApplicationScene( _ templateApplicationScene: CPTemplateApplicationScene, didConnect interfaceController: CPInterfaceController ) { self.interfaceController = interfaceController // Create and set the TabBarTemplate let tabBarTemplate = createTabBarTemplate() self.tabBarTemplate = tabBarTemplate interfaceController.setRootTemplate(tabBarTemplate, animated: false) { success, error in if let error = error { print("Error setting TabBarTemplate: \(error.localizedDescription)") } else { print("TabBarTemplate set successfully.") } } } func createTabBarTemplate() -> CPTabBarTemplate { let listItem1 = CPListItem(text: "Item 1", detailText: "Detail 1") let listItem2 = CPListItem(text: "Item 2", detailText: "Detail 2") let listTemplate = CPListTemplate( title: "List", sections: [CPListSection(items: [listItem1, listItem2])] ) let gridButton1 = CPGridButton( titleVariants: ["Grid 1"], image: UIImage(systemName: "star.fill")! ) let gridButton2 = CPGridButton( titleVariants: ["Grid 2"], image: UIImage(systemName: "star")! ) let gridTemplate = CPGridTemplate( title: "Grid", gridButtons: [gridButton1, gridButton2] ) return CPTabBarTemplate(templates: [listTemplate, gridTemplate]) } }
Dec ’24
Is it possible for CarPlay to establish a connection with a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) dongle when the phone app is fully closed or not running in the background?
I’m currently developing an app that communicates with a BLE dongle. When I swipe up to close the app on my phone, both the phone app and the CarPlay app are terminated. From the CarPlay interface, I can relaunch the app. My question is: Can CarPlay establish a connection with a BLE dongle when the phone app is fully closed or not running in the background?
Oct ’24
Can from carplay when user tap an app and open the app as noralmy like Spotify
Currently, when on the phone, like Spotify, I fully close the Spotify app, and in Carplay, when the user clicks on the Spotify app, this app can open as normal. I also developed my app but when I open the app in carplay, it shows a white screen, and then the app auto-terminates (closes permanently). How Can I do the behavior like the Spotify app, My app also enabled background mode in xCode. Please help me. Thanks so much
Sep ’24