




Sequoia Group Container for Mac Catalyst Apps
Prior to Sequoia, Mac Catalyst Apps worked fine when using group folders that started with group. They now get an alert that the Mac Catalyst app is trying to access data from other applications. This may also impact some SwiftUI developers. According to this the documentation for the App Group Entitlements entitlement, on macOS we should begin use the Team Identifier instead of group. Should Mac Catalyst follow the macOS or iOS rules for If they should need to follow the macOS rules now, that creates several issues for developers. We would now need separate build targets to pick up the different Entitlements files. More distressing is that we would need to do some kind of migration process to get our files to the new location. There wouldn't be a transparent way to do so where the user wasn't warned about the application accessing files that don't belong to it. Any clarification on what Mac Catalyst developers should be doing to prepare for Sequoia would be greatly appreciated.
Jun ’24
Is there a way to build a "Get Details" intent?
There is a common pattern used by Apple applications to get the properties of a custom type. "Get Details of Calendar Events" or "Get Details of Contacts" are examples of what I'm talking about. It seems like these actions return different response types depending on the property that gets selected as the "detail" to get. I can't figure out how to do this in the Intent definition in Xcode. Is this is a limitation of the current Intent definition file or is there some trick to implementing this pattern?
Oct ’21
Drop target no longer highlighting when compiling with Xcode 12
The drop target I've been specifying in iOS 13 no longer highlights in iOS 14, but only when compiled with Xcode 12.x. When I return UITableViewDropProposal(operation: .move, intent: .insertIntoDestinationIndexPath) from optional func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, dropSessionDidUpdate session: UIDropSession, withDestinationIndexPath destinationIndexPath: IndexPath?) -> UITableViewDropProposal the table view row at the index path no longer highlights as blue. Other intents are still working fine. Is this an intended change in the behavior of the iOS 14 SDK, do I need to do something new, or is it a UIKit bug?
Oct ’20