Is this a view built entirely with SwiftUI? On the other hand, I am unable to reproduce this state. I would appreciate it if you could provide a sample code.
Someone suggested solving it by setting negative padding on the background view, and I was able to resolve it using this method too!
I have added the feedback!
(Tide Data Access via WeatherKit)
I have revised my question and integrated it into this URL:
Xcode 15.4 (15F31d)
iOS18.1 (22B83)
The issue where the height of the swipe buttons was not aligned was resolved by using listRowSpacing.
This modifier is excellent!
I am concerned whether this issue will be resolved before the official release of iOS 18. It has a significant impact on the app's performance. If there are any alternative solutions, I would appreciate any suggestions.
(I hope that, in the end, it will deliver performance similar to iOS 17.)
Is it normal to convert to the Data type each time? I felt that it might be more efficient to convert to the Data type when saving.
If you have error-free code for selecting multiple photos with PhotosPicker and displaying them on the screen, I would appreciate it. Even official examples from WWDC would be great.
I changed it to struct MyPhotosPicker: View {...}, but the error remains the same. Instance method 'loadTransferable(type:)' requires that 'Data' conform to 'Transferable'