Thank you so much Kevin.
If I have to go from iPhone->USB-C->to Ethernet to a hub, I assume I will be using something like a local area network to communicate between the two devices?
If so do you think this concept is a good idea? I see that the ESP32-S3 can have a USB-and-ethernet as a host mode. If I use a combination of USB-C-to-Ethernet Adapters like so, do you think I can bypass needing additional hardware?
I am trying to simplify and maximize latency without needing more equipment.
Thank you! I'd love to hear your colleagues opinions.
Another Question: The only thing I can't understand at the moment is if I need to go through the MFi process just for development to use ExternalAccessory? My purposes at the moment are for a research study.
The following is the architecture that I'm trying to make.
So far, it looks like I need about 10 Mbps to stream data over to the iOS app. The main reason is that I have several EMG sensors that record at 120hz. For certain reasons, it does need to be as real-time as I can make it, batching isn't an option.
10 Mbps is not a lot, but it's too much for Bluetooth Low Energy, even if I use CoreBluetooth's L2CAP. With L2CAP, I only get about 1 Mbps.
I could use NEHotspot to the app to connect to the ESP32 over Wi-Fi, but the problem is if the user uses an iPad without Cellular Service, they will disconnect from the Cloud service.
So the only option I can see now is to leverage the USB-C cable, which should have plenty of bandwidth to stream the sensor data over.