




I am using a Notification service extension, tapping on received notification doesn't redirect to specific View-controller(happens since iOS15 update)
I am using Notification service extension. Already set a view hierarchy, where I have a Home Screen containing home VC, tapping on it there is second view controller. This second View Controller acts as Root VC. Under it is a child view controller that acts as a base (parent VC ) view controller to other child view controllers (tabs) (note: already set init and definite for the same) Ideal behaviour here required is when I am already in a child VC, I tap on notification, I should possibly navigate back to the same child view controller with different data content. Issue is I am already in a child view controller, and when I tap the notification(that should possibly navigate back to the same child view controller with different data content), it takes me back to the home page ,i.e., another VC acting as home view controller. Note : This issue only happens after I updated to iOS 15 Platform Need some help with this approach. Any other approaches are most welcome.
Dec ’21