




Xcode 16.2 Beta fails to build visionOS app RealityContent assets
I've just updated to macOS 15.2 Beta and Xcode 16.2 Beta and just noticed I can't build my visionOS app as before. I have a separate /Volumes/Development APFS volume for Xcode projects, plus utilising a Relative setting for DerivedData so that these are located in the projects' directories – in this case, subfolder on this volume mentioned. I just found that when attempting to build the app in either Xcode 16.1 or 16.2 Beta with visionOS 2.1 SDK, I'm getting a following error: Finished processSwiftFiles() with a failure 'You don’t have permission to save the file “CustomComponentUSDInitializers.usda” in the folder “RealityAssetsGenerated”.' Sandbox: realitytool(6216) deny(1) file-write-create /Volumes/Development/travel-visionos/DerivedData/Tripomatic/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ Failure creating schema - 'You don’t have permission to save the file “CustomComponentUSDInitializers.usda” in the folder “RealityAssetsGenerated”.' This for sure worked previously with 15.0/16.0 or 15.1/16.1 as I've even published the app to the App Store. It seems to be some shenanigans related to sandboxing & permissions for Xcode tools which I can hardly work around. I have Xcode added to Developer Tools and Full disk access sections in Privacy & Security, yet that doesn't really change anything in relation to this issue. When I move the project to a subfolder in my home directory, the build succeeds. The same applies to switching DerivedData setting to the default value to that DD are generated in ~/Library/Developer folder for all projects opened in Xcode. Thus, either macOS or Xcode now has an issue with running realitytool to generate files on my dedicated volume. Should I consider this Xcode or macOS Beta issue? Report it via Feedback Assistant maybe?
Nov ’24