Exploring AppIntents and Shortcuts. No matter what I try Siri won't understand parameters in an initial spoken phrase.
For example, if I ask: "Start my planning for School in TestApp", Siri responds: "What's plan?", I say: "School" and Siri responds "Ok, starting Shool plan"
What am I missing so it won't pick up parameters right away?
Logs inside func entities(matching string: String) are only called after "What's plan?" question and me answering "School". No logs after the initial phrase
Tried to use Apple's Trails example as a reference but with no luck
Exploring Live Activity feature for Apple Watch right now and found that it has this default view with "Open on iPhone" button when you tap Live Activity. That button perfectly brings iOS app to foreground as if you tapped iOS's Live Activity.
Is there a way to mimic that behavior from inside Watch app code? From inside WKApplicationDelegate, for example
Tried openSystemURL but it seems lile it's only available for tel or sms links
I'm trying to use a custom SVG as a SF Symbol for a .accessoryInline complication on Apple Watch but it only appear on WatchOS 11.
I even tried a fresh project and exported one of the symbols from SF Symbols app to eliminate error with custom symbol creation. On WatchOS 11 it shows correctly and colored, on WatchOS 10.5, no symbol at all.
Am I missing some setting or something? Tried different Render As options for the symbol with no luck. For corner complication, it shows it fine (Series 10 is WatchOS 11 here)
What is more weird in kinda shows that it's loading in comlication preview:
Overall can't use any image for inline complication unless I do it like this:
Image(uiImage: UIImage(named: "ImageName") ?? UIImage())
Which can't be colored also
Hi, I'm migrating ClockKit complications to WidgetKit. Everything works well except when I run the WidgetKit version, I see complications appear twice each in the complications list for my app when adding them.
If I restart the app from Xcode, it won't happen again, only for the first time. But on the actual device, only Watch restart or app reinstall fixes it which is frustrating and would not be ideal for live users.
I even tried Apple's example ClockKit project -> added complications to watch face -> added WidgetKit target, CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator and func widgetConfiguration(from complicationDescriptor: CLKComplicationDescriptor) code -> run the app -> new complications appear correctly replacing old ones -> when hold to add/change complications I see it doubled (screenshot attached) and it's even selected twice
If I add more complications, they will appear two times as well except one selected in two places almost like it's two same lists created.
class ComplicationController: NSObject, CLKComplicationDataSource, CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator {
@available(watchOSApplicationExtension 9.0, *)
var widgetMigrator: CLKComplicationWidgetMigrator {
@available(watchOSApplicationExtension 9.0, *)
func widgetConfiguration(from complicationDescriptor: CLKComplicationDescriptor) async -> CLKComplicationWidgetMigrationConfiguration? {
switch complicationDescriptor.identifier {
case "Coffee_Tracker_Caffeine_Dose":
return CLKComplicationStaticWidgetMigrationConfiguration(
kind: "WidgetKitComplications",
extensionBundleIdentifier: "com.example.apple-samplecode.Coffee-Tracker.watchkitapp.watchkitextension.WidgetKitComplications")
return nil
Getting this error when trying to run Developer ID signed Mac app:
The OS has denied permission to launch. Please ensure that the app is signed appropriately.
When trying to open .app file manually popup says: You do not have permission to open the application
My app contains Tunnel Extension. Added -systemextension to entitlements to work with Developer ID. The app is running fine with Apple Dev cert signing.
codesign -v -vvv --deep shows no errors;
tried setting permissions and signing manually with codesign, same errors
Any clues? Thanks in advance