




Reply to Using Core ML in a .swiftpm file
You are on the right track that you precompiled a source model (.mlpackage or .mlmodel) to .mlmodelc manually before adding it to Swift Package. Currently SPM doesn't support compiling the source model in .process(:) rule. Let's say, you have a source model named model.mlpackage. The first step is to compile it to .mlmodelc. xcrun coremlcompiler compile model.mlpackage /tmp/ Then, copy the compiled model to your Swift Package. cp -r /tmp/model.mlmodelc /path/to/ModelInSwiftPackage/Sources/ModelInSwiftPackage/ In my test, the resultant directory structure is something like this. . ├── Package.swift ├── Sources │   └── ModelInSwiftPackage │   ├── ModelInSwiftPackage.swift │   └── model.mlmodelc │   ├── analytics │   │   └── coremldata.bin │   ├── coremldata.bin │   └── └── Tests └── ModelInSwiftPackageTests └── ModelInSwiftPackageTests.swift Now, edit Package.swift as follows, using copy rule. import PackageDescription let package = Package( : targets: [ .target( name: "ModelInSwiftPackage", resources: [ .copy("model.mlmodelc")] ), ) Now, you should be able to build the package with the model. To access the model, you can use Bundle.module.url(). public func loadModel() throws -> MLModel? { guard let modelURL = Bundle.module.url(forResource: "model", withExtension: "mlmodelc") else { return nil } return try MLModel(contentsOf: modelURL) } Hope it works!
Jan ’25