Going through the video Create engaging content for Swift Playgrounds (WWDC 2022) I have a pretty good idea about the changes that are required.
But I am getting the following error (see attached) when I open my swiftpm in Playgrounds.
I am running Playgrounds 4.1.
Xcode 14.1 was used to build the swiftpm.
Following the instructions in the Create engaging content for Swift Playgrounds video I am adding a tutorial (Walkthrough.tutorial) file to my app.
But, I get an error when I open the app on my iPad because of the non-swift files.
I am using Xcode 14.1.
The app was created using: File>New>Project>Swift Playgrounds App
I am unable to get a result from a simple AppleScript calculator set of commands.
The calculator shows the right result, but I cannot capture the result to place in the clipboard and read it.
I also ran this in the script editor.
Python File
Creating my first IOS appIntents.
I created two simple appIntents. One to create a random number and the other to store it (actually it just prints it).
Yet, when I run a shortcut that connects the two, the one that stores it is not receiving the entity.
It receives nil instead of the entity created in the first step.