




og/signpost messages lost due to high rates in live mode recording.
I'm getting literally hundreds and hundreds of these lines appearing in the Xcode console when running the app. What's the cause? Too much logging? (if so this didn't used to appear with earlier version of Xcode, I'm currently running Xcode 16.2) How to do this: "set IDELogRedirectionPolicy to oslogToStdio in the environment of the executable." And what does doing that do? <snip> 1 log/signpost messages lost due to high rates in live mode recording. To guarantee delivery of all logs, set IDELogRedirectionPolicy to oslogToStdio in the environment of the executable. 1 log/signpost messages lost due to high rates in live mode recording. To guarantee delivery of all logs, set IDELogRedirectionPolicy to oslogToStdio in the environment of the executable. <snip>
Dec ’24
Is it possible to add a user to the Apple developer account with app manager status that is restricted to a single app?
When a user gets added to the Apple developer account, its possible to specify specific or all apps. However if they are added as a developer, they don't have access to the certificates/profiles etc. for the app(s). The only way to do that is to give them app manager status and then its possible to tick the box that grants access to the certs/profiles. But giving them manager status rather than developer status gives them access to all apps, not a limited sub section. Is there anyway to add somebody to the developer account with elevated privileges which are restricted to just a single app?
Dec ’24
Some questions about Device Check
I've got a few questions about device check, and would be grateful if anybody knows the answers: why is DC not reset when the device transfers between users? The canonical example of why an app might use DC is if it offers a promotion and to stop user's from getting that promotion multiple times. However, using the same example scenario yes you've stopped the first user from getting multiple promotions but then if that device is transferred to another user you've stopped them from getting any promotions at all? how can you test things when the bits can't be reset? If once you've set the bits on a device then you can no longer ever use that device again to test the apps behavior in the situation when the bits are unset. does the app have complete freedom to set the timestamp to whatever it wants? For example, could the app set a bit with a timestamp of epoch? if the bits are shared between all apps from the same developer, then supposing that developer have more apps in the App Store then there are bits? If they have 5 apps offering a promotion and a device has previously had 4 apps installed, then the user wants to install a 5th app, but with all 4 bits now then the user will be able to abuse the promotion on the 5th app because the app has no way of recording if the promo has been used or not as the collective bits have been used up?
Dec ’24
Why does a text filter extension receive the ISO Country Code, but not the text server?
The documentation for a text filter extension states that receiverISOCountryCode is a field the extension receives "The ISO Country Code of the receiving phone number" However, if the extension defers to its text server, then the payload sent to the server doesn't contain the iso country code: POST /server-endpoint HTTP/1.1 Accept: */* Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 148 { "_version": 1, "query": { "sender": "14085550001", "message": { "text": "This is a message" } }, "app": { "version": "1.1" } } from: Why does the payload sent to the text server not contain the country code?
Dec ’24
Is it possible to change the Xcode template type?
I've got a few years old app which was created using an Xcode template type of app. I'd like to split the model part of the code (model as in model-view-controller) out into a framework. Removed the view/controller source files to leave the model code is quick and easy, however the model code is large and complex with a couple of hundred of source files. Rather than create a new Xcode template type of framework and move the source files into there, is it possible to simply just change the template type of the existing project from app to framework?
Nov ’24
Are umbrella frameworks possible/discouraged?
I want to release a Framework F, containing several other frameworks (such as Realm, Appetitive, Cocoalumberjack, PhoneNumberKit) for use by app A. According to this article: They write, without referencing a source: "Although Apple discourage creating umbrella framework". Is that true, do Apple discourage umbrella frameworks, if so why and is it a very strong discourage or a mild one? If not discouraged, then how can this be achieved with Xcode 16? I've been attempting to follow a few tutorial to achieve this, such as however so far without any success. This last article mentions the Link Binary With Libraries section, which doesn't exist in Xcode 16. There's the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section where I have been attempting to add the frameworks into my Framework F (choosing Embed without Signing). I'm able to successfully build Framework F, but when app A attempts to use it (adding F to the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section with option embed and sign, or embed and don't sign, makes no difference) then I get run time errors about the umbrellaed frameworks not being able to be found.
Oct ’24
Sandbox push server down again?
Over the past few weeks I've seen several people mention pushes sent via the sandbox haven't been getting delivered. Today I'm also seeing that (though pushes sent via production are fine). So it would appear to be down again. What's going on recently, any reason it's so unstable these last few weeks?
Oct ’24
Xcode's default macOS Deployment Target is 11 which causes Testflight submission warning
If a new (iOS) project is created in Xcode then a default set of deployment targets and values gets automatically created and set as follows: If the iPad, Mac, and Apple Vision supported destinations are deleted from the Xcode general section, these deployment targets still remain. If the app is then built using Xcode 16 and uploaded to TestFlight/App Store then the following issue is reported: TMS-90899: Macs with Apple silicon support issue - The app isn‘t compatible with the provided minimum macOS version of 11.0. Why is XCode populating the macOS deployment target with a value that that results in this issue? Why is Xcode even populating all 6 of these targets at all when its for an iOS app and hence 5 of them are redundant? Can the macOS deployment value simply be increased to silence this issue? Or can these that aren't relevant to iOS be deleted (if so how)? TIA
Oct ’24
Does the iOS simulator append any different HTTPs headers to an iPhone?
I've got a bit of code which is making a HTTPS GET request. On an iPhone it runs as expected, however when running on the simulator there's a HTTP 400 response. I've logged the url and my http headers that I'm adding, and in both cases they are identical for the simulator and iPhone (there is no http body content). Therefore, as everything is identical, I'm wondering how it could work with hardware and not with the simulator? Does the OS append any additional HTTP headers before the request goes out (such as User-Agent for example) and might those be different between iPhone/simulator?
Oct ’24
Is Xcode 16 a battery drainer?
I've got a 2023 M2 MacBook Pro and used to get great battery life out of it (> 6 hours when using it for development purposes). Now however, all of a sudden, that has dropped off a cliff, and the only thing that has changed is Xcode 16 has appeared. As I'm compiling a project I can literally see the % amount of the battery charge remaining tick down in front of my eyes as I watch. I just compiled a project twice and during that time the battery dropped from from %89 to %79 and Xcode is listed as a culprit using significant battery drain. Anybody else noticed anything similar? Anything that can be done to to decrease Xcode's battery drain?
Oct ’24
What happened to logging in a Message Filter Extension on iOS 18?
If an app with a Message Filter Extension is run on an iPhone with iOS 18 installed then there's no logging output to the console (using print or NSLog), however there is logging in all previous versions of OS. Being able to view logging at run time for this component is essential as a debugging aid to see, for example, if the extension launches, if a text is handled locally or deferred to the network, to see if there's a network error, to examine the server response etc. Is there a specific reason it was disabled or is it accidental? Thank you
Sep ’24
Message Filter Extension not working with iOS 18 RC
If I run an app with a message filter extension on a phone with iOS 17.N then it works as expected. However if I run the same app (totally unchanged) on a phone with iOS 18 RC then there's multiple problems. I noticed there's no longer any logging from the extension in the Console (while there is for iOS 17 devices) in the messages app the filter sub categories aren't displayed (but they are on iOS 17 devices) if I try to debug the extension and place breakpoints in it, then there's an exception that occurs when the extension is enabled and the OS logs this (this doesn't occur with iOS 17 devices) '/private/preboot/Cryptexes/OS/usr/lib/swift/libswiftIdentityLookup.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/swift/libswiftIdentityLookup.dylib' (no such file, not in dyld cache) I tried running on: iPhone with iOS 17.6 - no problems iPhone with iOS 18.1 beta - has all the above problems iPhone with iOS 18 RC - has all the above problems Was surprised the RC is so broken in this area as its release will be imminent. As things stand, I can't get a MFE to work at all with iOS 18. Anybody else with the same issues?
Sep ’24