




Apple Build Review Testing Account
Hi, The app I will be submitting for review requires sign in. App has in app card/passes provisioning so the auth must be MFA. The app it self does not give you an option to create an account. Accounts are created elsewhere by organization. I need guidance on how to provide Apple App Review Team with an account in order for them to sign in into the app. E.g. they would need to go through a MFA (Multi-Factor-Authentication) verification such as a confirmation code would need to be retrieved and entered. So my question is, does Apple have an email address that they can provide that I can setup an account for with MFA that way you guys would then use it to review the app submission? Or do we need to give you fully setup email account and pass that you would use to retrieve the MFA code to sign in. OR is there no way to test with MFA credentials when submitting for review?
Apr ’22