




Using AVCaptureSession to record a video on initialising audio session from a Push To Talk call, audio of the ongoing video recording is getting stopped while the video recording is still ongoing.
We have a Push To Talk application which allow user to record video and audio. When user is recording a video using AVCaptureSession and receive's an Push To Talk call, from moment the Push To Talk call is received the audio in the video which is being captured is stopped while the video capture is still in progress. Here after the PTT call is completed, we have tried restarting the audio session, there are no errors that are getting printed but we still don't see the audio getting restarted in video capture. We have also tried to add a new input for AVCaptureSession we are receiving error that is resulting in video capture stopping, error mentioned below: [OS-PLT] [CameraManager] Movie file finished with error: Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11818 "Recording Stopped" UserInfo={AVErrorRecordingSuccessfullyFinishedKey=true, NSLocalizedDescription=Recording Stopped, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=Stop any other actions using the recording device and try again., AVErrorRecordingFailureDomainKey=1, NSUnderlyingError=0x3026bff60 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16414 "(null)"}}, success We have also raised a Feedback Ticket on same:
Jan ’25
On passing the filename with spaces encoded with stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:], the path is not converted back to the decoded file name and returning false.
We have a Push-To-Talk application, which also allow user's to share the PDF file documents. On receiving a PDF file document, which has a space in its file name. On saving the document in the DB with space. When user is trying to access the PDF file, in order to rule out issues where there can be special character's in its file name, we are encoding the file name using stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters, and URLPathAllowedCharacterSet is the character set used which converts space character (" ") to %20. Later, path of the same encoded file name is sent to fileURLWithPath:. When the encoded URL is passed to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:] the file is not found in the since in DB, file is saved with a space, but in the URL %20 is been swapped in-place of space character. Issue case: Here, on passing the same encoded URL path of the PDF file to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:] is returning false; Query: On passing the filename with spaces encoded with stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters to [NSFileManager fileExistsAtPath:], the path is not converted back to the decoded file name and returning false We have used a work around on this case, by forming the URL of the PDF file without encoding and passing it to fileURLWithPath, issue is not seen here. We have a query here, i.e. will fileURLWithPath will be able to handle different special characters without encoding. We have also raised a Feedback Ticket on same:
Dec ’24
BGTask expiry is never called for the requested BGTask.
We have a push-to-talk client, Part of Push APNS, app never received the BG task expiry. The app is suspended. Received Push-To-Talk APNS Here requested a BGTask and it got successfully registered Since it is a PTT call path, it ended immediately(via code) due to internal restrictions Ex: DND mode for client specific. The client allowed BG time more than 30 seconds and looks client has been suspended but Never received a BG task expiration handler from OS In sys diagnose logs confirmed, BGTask registered successfully 2024-09-03 16:18:47.331890 +0530 default AT&T EPTT : Created background task . But never got fired expiration handler. Feedback - FB15145380
Sep ’24
AudioOutputUnitStart failed with OSStatus error -50
Let the device is in locked screen Get incoming APNS video request to start video recording we are reporting this APNS to Callkit Accept incoming APNS request We are trying to initialise audio unit. Initialisation is success but starting is failing. Note - This issue is reproduced only if we receive video pull request in locked screen, after accepting callkit call we should not unlock the phone. If we unlock phone everything works as expected.
Jun ’24
PTT - PushToTalk - App Identifier Register
Hi there, I am trying to register for an App Identifier with the new PushToTalk Capability but getting the following message This request is forbidden for security reasons The selected team does not have a program membership that is eligible for this feature. If you need assistance, please contact Apple Developer Program Support. We have enrolled for Annual Apple Developer Program Could you please help us in resolving this error.
Jun ’22
CrashSymbolicator Script Failing to symbolicate the new JSON-format crash logs
As per Xcode 13 Release Notes - To support the new JSON-format crash logs generated in macOS Monterey and iOS 15, Instruments includes a new script. This Python 3 script replaces the symbolicatecrash utility for JSON-format logs and supports inlined frames with its default options. For more information, see: --help. is located in the Contents/SharedFrameworks/CoreSymbolicationDT.framework/Resources/ subdirectory within Xcode 13. (78891800) usage: [-h] [-d dSYM] [-s SEARCH_PATH] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-p] [-w N] [--no-inlines] [--no-source-info] [--only-missing] [--no-system-frameworks] [--no-demangle] [-v] LOGFILE Symbolicate a crash log python3 -d PATH_TO_DSYMS -o PATH_TO_OUTPUT CRASH_LOG_FILE When we run this command getting the following errors Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 502, in symbolicate(args) File "", line 482, in symbolicate crash_log.write_to(args.output, args.pretty) File "/Applications/", line 167, in write_to ips_header_dictionary = vars(self.ips_header) TypeError: vars() argument must have dict attribute
Oct ’21