




Memory crash at String._bridgeToObjectiveCImpl()
I'll describe my crash with an example, looking for some insights into the reason why this is happening. @objc public protocol LauncherContainer { var launcher: Launcher { get } } @objc public protocol Launcher: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate { func initiateLaunch(url: URL, launchingHotInstance: Bool) } @objc final class LauncherContainer: NSObject, LauncherContainer, TabsContentCellTapHandler { ... init( ... ) { ... super.init() } ... // // ContentCellTapHandler // public func tabContentCellItemDidTap( tabId: String ) { ... launcher.initiateNewTabNavigation( tabId: tabId // Crash happens here ) } public class Launcher: NSObject, Launcher, FooterPillTapHandler { public func initiateNewTabNavigation(tabId: String) { ... } } public protocol TabsContentCellTapHandler: NSObject { func tabContentCellItemDidTap( tabId: String, }
Nov ’24
Memory crash at String._bridgeToObjectiveCImpl()
I'll describe my crash with an example, looking for some insights into the reason why this is happening. @objc public protocol LauncherContainer { var launcher: Launcher { get } } @objc public protocol Launcher: UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate { func initiateLaunch(url: URL, launchingHotInstance: Bool) } @objc final class LauncherContainer: NSObject, LauncherContainer, TabsContentCellTapHandler { ... init( ... ) { ... super.init() } ... // // ContentCellTapHandler // public func tabContentCellItemDidTap( tabId: String ) { ... launcher.initiateNewTabNavigation( tabId: tabId // Crash happens here ) } public class Launcher: NSObject, Launcher, FooterPillTapHandler { public func initiateNewTabNavigation(tabId: String) { ... } } public protocol TabsContentCellTapHandler: NSObject { func tabContentCellItemDidTap( tabId: String, } Crash stack last 2 lines are- libswiftCore.dylib swift_unknownObjectRetain libswiftCore.dylib String._bridgeToObjectiveCImpl() String._bridgeToObjectiveCImpl() gets called when the caller and implementation is in Swift file I believe due to @objc class LauncherContainer there'd be bridging header generated. Does that mean tabId passed to tabContentCellItemDidTap is a String but the one passed to initiateNewTabNavigation is NSString? TabId is UUID().uuidString if that helps. Wondering if UUID().uuidString has something to do with this. Thanks a ton for helping. Please find attached screenshot of the stack trace.
Nov ’24