I’d like to migrate my watchOS app (bundled with an iOS app) from a dual-target to a single-target setup. I remember Xcode used to have a menu item (Editor -> Validate Settings) that would prompt you to initiate the migration process. However, I can’t seem to find a ‘Validate Settings’ option in the latest Xcode 16. Has "Validate Settings" been removed in xcode16 ?
In my iOS app, I'm planning to use CryptoKit to decrypt a data file downloaded remotely from my backend servers. I'm only using standard cryptography provided by iOS itself (Swift CryptoKit framework).
According to App Store Connect documentation:
"You're required to provide documentation if your app contains any of the following:
Encryption algorithms that are proprietary or not accepted as standard by international standard bodies (IEEE, IETF, ITU, etc.)
Standard encryption algorithms instead of, or in addition to, using or accessing the encryption within Apple's operating system"
I assume that since I am only using cryptography provided by the underlying OS itself, I can safely set ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption to NO.
Can someone provide me with some guidance or opinion?
Thank you!
I am processing both REFUNDED and REVOKED transactions on the client-side and on the server using Apple's App Store Server Notifications (V2).
For transactions with an inAppOwnershipType of FAMILY_SHARED, I receive REVOKE notifications that (sometimes) do not include a revocationDate. What does this imply, and what actions should I take?
Additionally, when I query their transaction IDs using the App Store API, they also lack a revocationDate and do not appear in the results when I filter for revoked transactions.
Is it appropriate to block these users? Why are server-to-server REVOKE notifications sent in the first place if the transaction does not appear as revoked in the API?
do you know if any data from AW Workout app are actually written to HealthKit only after the workout is over ?
I was wondering how I can read the data (route gps coordinates, specifically) while the workout session is still ongoing.
it's been almost 3 days since I submitted an app update for review. Is anyone else also experiencing such a long waiting for review time ? It's the first time in years this has happened