




BundleID identifier problems for new version of app
Good morning, I have a new version of an app which is on the App Store already, but I would like to send it to others using TestFlight first. I have created a new version for the app on the Apple Connect website. I have confirmed the new version number in Xcode for this app, but when I upload it through the archive process in Xcode I get this response: "App record with bundle identifier "" not found on App Store Connect. Create an app record on App Store Connect, or distribute the app from Xcode, and then try again." That was the default setting for App Store Connect. If I use the custom setting (and change the SKU because it is written as the bundle id identifier) I get this response: The app identifier "com.DefaultCompany.MyAppName" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again. Can someone please help me resolve this. A task that was supposed to take thirty minutes has extended to over four hours, and I have not found a solution to this problem. All documentation on the apple developer site assumes an app will ve updated to a new version without sharing first through TestFlight. All of this seems really counter intuitive to what should be a relatively straightforward process.
Oct ’23