




Reply to iOS 18: startRangingBeacons Stops When Display is Off in Background (Worked on iOS 17.2.1)
I have called startUpdatingLocation to prevent the app from transitioning to a suspended state while running in the background. Since GPS is continuously being received, I can confirm that the app is not being suspended. func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didRange beacons: [CLBeacon], satisfying beaconConstraint: CLBeaconIdentityConstraint) { print(beacons) } When running the above code in an iOS 18 or later environment, beacon data is received in the background as long as the screen remains on. However, when the screen turns off, the beacons array becomes empty after about 2–3 seconds. Once the screen is turned back on, beacon data starts coming in again. In contrast, on iOS versions prior to 18, beacon scanning continues in the background regardless of whether the screen is on or off. Has there been an internal API change related to this behavior, or is this a potential bug?
Feb ’25