When calling generateAssertion on DCAppAttestService.shared, it gives invalidKey error when there was an update for an offloaded app.
The offloading and reinstall always works fine if it is the same version on app store that was offloaded from device,
but if there is an update and the app tries to reuse the keyID from previous installation for generateAssertion, attestation service rejects the key with error code 3 (invalid key) for a significant portion of our user.
In our internal testing it failed for more than a third of the update attempts.
install v1 from app store
generate key using DCAppAttestService.shared.generateKey
Attest this key using DCAppAttestService.shared.attestKey
Send the attestation objection to our server and verify with apple servers
Generate assertions for network calls to backend using DCAppAttestService.shared.generateAssertion with keyID from step 2
Device offloads the app (manually triggered by user, or automatically by iOS)
A new version v2 is published to App Store
Use tries to open the app
Latest version is download from the App Store
App tries to use the keyID from step 2 to generate assertions
DCAppAttestService throws invalidKey error (Error Domain=com.apple.devicecheck.error Code=3)
Step 7 is critical here, if there is no new version of the app, the reinstalled v1 can reuse the key from step 2 without any issues
Is this behaviour expected?
Is there any way we can make sure the key is preserved between offloaded app updates?