Thanks for coming back to me.
I think where I'm coming from, is that because one doesn't have to rely on genstrings in Xcode 13, I'm wondering how to create the initial translation files.
Thank you! Yes, the following compiles...
class Model: ObservableObject {
@Published var num: Int = 0
func updateNumber(_ newNum: Int) {
self.num = newNum
Having looked and thought carefully about this, I have found that adding Task.yield() solves the issue, as I proactively await?
Shame I only need to load the image's metadata - I'll raise a feedback request.
Also I am right in thinking that there is no async method yet to load pure data - i.e. Data.init(withContentsOfURL: URL) async?
If so I'll raise a feedback request for this as well, or would this be barking up the wrong tree?
👍 Thank you for all your help!
Thank you! Really great solution - you clearly know your way around the detail!
Thank you for the response. Super helpful.
One final quick question - was I right in understanding that there is no way to access the shader's time value - i.e. be able to set a uniform input to "current shader time"?
Thank you again - it's been very helpful. Have a great weekend.
Look's like it doesn't work on logged: FB16603879