




OSX13.3 Lost Universal Control
Hi, Has anyone else lost access to universal control with the security patch for OSX? I have 2 iPads and an M1 Mac mini all running the latest beta software but since the last security update this morning I have lost the ability to use universal control. Tha iPads can be seen and mirrored to and universal control is switched on but no luck. All working fine prior to latest beta's. Re-starts, toggling of bluetooth, wifi, handoff, universal control done on all machines to no avail. Anyone recommend how to fix this, greatly appreciated.
Mar ’23
Universal Control
Lost Universal control on M1 Mac Mini I have an M1 Mac Mini, Macbook Pro and iPad Pro all running the latest beta software (12.3 beta2). After rebooting my BT Broadband router I can no longer use my mac mini with Universal control. The Macbook and ipad are still working fine. Macbook can see and work with the ipad but can't see the mini and the Mini can see the Macbook to share its screen with but not Universal control and can't see the ipad at all. No VPN's being used, all on the same network sat next to each other and working fine yesterday. I've restarted all the machines with no luck. Can anyone help?
Feb ’22
Custom Screen resolutions
I have a Mac mini connected to a Dell monitor which has a max resolution of 1920x1080 however when I mirror a MacBook display I can increase the resolution to 2560x1440. Can anyone advise how to add this resolution when not mirroring the MacBook display? Thanks
Sep ’21