




Prevent Push to Talk System Screens
Is there a way to prevent or disable either of the following system PTT screens? When on the lock screen, you can tap the PTT indicator at the top of the screen to show a full-screen PTT view that includes both a "Leave" and "Talk" button When on the home screen, you can tap the PTT indicator at the top of the screen to show the PTT "Pill" that includes a "Talk" button I'd like to prevent showing both of these views. We don't use them in our app (we use PTT to play back messages, but use hands-free voice commands to send messages back). Is it possible to disable/never show those system PTT views? Screenshots of them attached.
Dec ’24
"UI unresponsiveness" warning on @main
I'm seeing a runtime warning in Xcode 14 Beta 5 that says "This method should not be called on the main thread as it may lead to UI unresponsiveness." This is happening on the @main entry point of my app. See below: The warning shown gives me no insight into what's actually going wrong. I think it may be due to some Core Location code that runs when the app first opens, but is there a way for me to get some more insight into what's causing this? Or is this possibly an Xcode 14/iOS 16 bug, and this is not an issue to worry about? I'm not getting any warnings on Xcode 13/iOS 15.
Aug ’22