




Comment on How to get the floor plane with Spatial Tracking Session and Anchor Entity
it's usually better to put the code that configures the SpatialTrackingSession into a class instead of an @State property on your view Sure, I would do that in most apps. This is just an example where I was trying to keep everything in one file. Do you have any details on the why it is better to place SpatialTrackingSession in an observable class instead of state on a view? Several of the WWDC sessions and examples store the session in the view and I was using them as a starting point.
Jan ’25
Comment on Do I need a privacy manifest when using UserDefaults and CloudKit in my app?
Very interesting. I didn't realize that User Defaults contained anything other than the data I write to it. I always thought it was essentially an empty plist where I could add key:value pairs. I'll add the manifest for now. Maybe it's time to reconsider using UserDefaults at all. I suppose I could get the same behavior from creating a local JSON file and saving the settings there.
Sep ’24