




App Denied: reviewer cannot access publicly available https address on standard port
I'm not sure what to do at this point. I submitted an app for testflight review. It has failed multiple times with this: 2.1.0 Performance: App Completeness. The app makes REST calls of HTTPS and then XMPP communication; however, it is failing on the REST calls and never making it to the XMPP communication. Originally, I was on a non-standard port for HTTPS (as this was a test app) and thought maybe that was the I moved to port 443 and now have a standard URL in the form of https://<hostname.domain>/ without a port listed. If it is helpful, as a test app, the hostname DNS is via DuckDNS and using Letsencrypt for certificates. I have tested the URL via a VPN from various parts of the world and it works perfectly. However, when the App Reviewer tests, the screenshot provided back to me shows the app cannot connect and the server has no indication of a connection. It is as though a firewall is blocking the reviewer from connecting to the address of my server. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Any ideas or suggestions?
Feb ’24