Running the Apple sample code “Sharing Core Data objects between iCloud users” has presented the following challenge:
After the creation of a CKRecord in a Persistent CloudKit Container private database, the owner then shares it to a participant. All works fine.
Then the Owner wants to stop sharing. That's fine too, although the CKRecord remains within the same shared zone within the owner's private database; it doesn't move back to the private database.
Then the owner wants to delete the CKRecord completely. Deletion of the record works, but evidence of the CKShare within the shared zone still remains inside the owner's private database.
It is clearly visible on the CloudKit dashboard.
Probably doesn’t take up much memory but v messy and not cool.
How to delete this CKShare completely, leaving no trace?
Any ideas would be most gratefully received!
I'm trying to configure the share sheet.
My project uses techniques from the Apple Sample project called CoreDataCloudKitShare which is found here:
In this sample code there's a "PersistenceController" which is an NSPersistentCloudKitContainer.
In the "PersistenceController+SharingUtilities" file there are some extensions, and one of them is this:
func configure(share: CKShare, with photo: Photo? = nil) {
share[CKShare.SystemFieldKey.title] = "A cool photo"
This text "A cool photo" seems to be the only bespoke configuration of the share sheet within this project.
I want to have more options to control the share sheet, does anyone know how this might be achieved? Thank you!
I have an app that's compatible with iOS 15. Works fine on an actual iPhone 6s device running iOS 15. Works fine on actual iPad device running iOS 17.
Works fine on iPhone 13 mini simulator running iOS 17.
Will not work properly on actual iPhone 13 mini device running iOS17!
It uses a UIViewRepresentable, Coordinator etc, to allow UIKit to be used in SwiftUI.
If anyone has any ideas why might not working on the iPhone would be most grateful to hear!
I’m looking for advice re integration of UITableView into SwiftUI.
I’m doing that because I want control of the table background and row swipe functionality, which I believe is still not available with List in SwiftUI.
I’ve watched WWDC19 tutorial on UIKit Integration, and Rana talks about using the target action pattern, but I can’t work out how that would be done with a TableView.
I have the UITableView wrapped properly, using a coordinator, and displaying within SwiftUI.
But when a row is deleted, I am struggling with how to pass back the deleted row’s indexPath , and how to delete the relevant data within the source array in SwiftUI.
Any help much appreciated!