




Battery health dropping daily by 1% everyday
Currently i am using an iphone 15 pro which is just 7 months old but it was good till this month it was at 97% even after using more than 6 months, but in recent fews days it is regularly dropping by 1% every day and now it is at 89% only with 10 to 12 days it dropped by 8% . Is my battery defective or something is wrong with my phone . bcoz of this i am very upset because of this bad decrease of battery health . i have heard it is normal to degrade by 1% monthly but mine is dropping daily its soo frustrating. and if my battery reaches under 80% within the warrenty period? will get a free battery replacement from apple or not ? I don’t have apple care+ . But its under 1 year standard warrenty . please reply apple as its soo frustrating
Feb ’25