Mind that attr -c does not change the timestamp of a file, so git commit will not notice it’s changed. You also need to “touch” the file.
I find the complaint about the attributes a bit lame, photoshop, safari all seem to set these attributes. Have xcode check, warn, remove such attributes in the distribution process. If it’s important enough to notify developers after upload, then please build it into xcode.
After upload got a mail from AppStoreConnect 'ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents - The package contains one or more files with the com.apple.quarantine extended file attribute'.
Indeed in the past xcode complained about such files, like images saved from Photoshop that have extended attributes. Easily removed with 'xattr -c'.
But, if this is an issue to send us emails about AFTER upload, then please have xcode check this BEFORE upload.. I had 3000+ such images.
I got that message about some image files: Photoshop leaves attributes on saved files. You can remove them with 'xattr -c'
Apparently the check now is more rigid, never had complaints before.
I had this, caused by this:
NrofWindows = [[NSWindow windowNumbersWithOptions:NSWindowNumberListAllApplications|NSWindowNumberListAllSpaces] count];
Doc says: "If you pass 0 instead, then the list the method returns contains window numbers for visible windows on the active space belonging to the calling application"
As that is what I actually need, changed the value to 0:
NrofWindows = [[NSWindow windowNumbersWithOptions:0] count];
And the log msg vanished.
Thanks Eljay Adobe for the breakpoint command.
Thanks for pointing me to NSLocationUsageDescription. If it's missing from the plist you get crashes on Big Sur, but not always.
The validation procedures in AppStoreConnect do not check this, apparently, I just got crash reports from the review team.