




Closure with typed throws stored as a View property crashes on iOS 17
I've encountered an issue where storing a throws(PermissionError) closure as a property inside a SwiftUI View causes a runtime crash on iOS 17, while it works correctly on iOS 18. Here’s an example of the affected code: enum PermissionError: Error { case denied } struct PermissionCheckedView<AllowedContent: View, DeniedContent: View>: View { var protectedView: () throws(PermissionError) -> AllowedContent var deniedView: (PermissionError) -> DeniedContent init( @ViewBuilder protectedView: @escaping () throws(PermissionError) -> AllowedContent, @ViewBuilder deniedView: @escaping (PermissionError) -> DeniedContent ) { self.protectedView = protectedView self.deniedView = deniedView } public var body: some View { switch Result(catching: protectedView) { case .success(let content): content case .failure(let error): deniedView(error) } } } @main struct TestApp: App { var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { PermissionCheckedView { } deniedView: { _ in } } } } Specifically this is the stack trace (sorry for the picture I didn't know how to get the txt): If I use var protectedView: () throws -> AllowedContent without typed throws it works.
xcrun xcresulttool Failed to create a new result bundle reader
I need to read results of a test in Xcode post-action of Test. So the script that runs after tests contains SUMMARY=$(xcrun xcresulttool get test-results summary --path $RESULT_FILE 2>> "$LOGS") If I run my script from terminal, everything is ok but if I launch tests and the post-action is executed, I got Warning: unknown environment variable SWIFT_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT Warning: unknown environment variable SWIFT_DEBUG_INFORMATION_VERSION Warning: unknown environment variable SWIFT_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT Warning: unknown environment variable SWIFT_DEBUG_INFORMATION_VERSION Error: Failed to create a new result bundle reader, underlying error: failed to read metadata with underlying error (type: FileSystemError: 3 - [:] - The operation couldn’t be completed. (MinimalTSCBasic.FileSystemError error 3.) Usage: xcresulttool <subcommand> See 'xcresulttool --help' for more information. It might be that the environment set by Xcode is missing something but I cannot figure out what, any idea?
Oct ’24