




Reply to Using MusicKit to retrieve playlists and contents of playlists
Following up on this thread, I can successfully load playlists using MusicDataRequest. For example I can see playlist returned with and id of "p.aJe0ME5I3eZQ84d" from my Apple Music account. Trying your code fetch the tracks of the playlist did not work out of the box. I had to modify it to var playlistRequest = MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Playlist>(matching: \.id, equalTo: MusicItemID(playlistId)), i.e. wrapping the returned playlist id to a MusicItemID. Is this correct? Because using the id this way, it results in the following error: [DataRequesting] Failed to perform MusicDataRequest.Context(   url:,   currentRetryCounts: [.other: 1] ) with MusicDataRequest.Error(   status: 404,   code: 40400,   title: "Resource Not Found",   detailText: "Resource with requested id was not found",   id: "4B4ETVMCUXDRBAJ5OCLJLAKLSU",   originalResponse: MusicDataResponse(     data: 159 bytes,     urlResponse: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x00000002829a78a0>   ) ). What am I doing wrong?
Jan ’22