See FB16554632
Looks like I am being sent around in circles by Apple. After more than a week I finally got a reply through Feedback Assistant with the answer to ........
...... post the issue on this forum and refer to the forum message in the FB report.....
Come on, please can you provide me with some support here rather than sending me back and forth?
Does it need more FB's for the ShazamKit issue to even take a look at this issue? Just want to understand the process.
@pinch No, unfortunately I received only after more than ione hour yet again the mails about the app not being compatible.
@pinch Agree. It now works also for me. Great it works now. Frustrating that it took so long without getting any feedback, response, resolution, whatsoever.
@DTS Engineer @Engineer Is Apple now taking this issue more serious, now more developers seem to have the same issue? Despite creating a FB, no response so far.
Really frustrating there is no clear communication from Apple on how to solve this issue that is stopping me from properly updating my app.
I've opened a bug report. FB16554632
I've posted this question, in one shape or another, for over two months on Developer Forums and yet have to receive an answer. What is this forum good for? Is anyone actually looking at the questions here?
What you mean with ‘check with App Store Connect‘?
Please, please, someone please confirm whether ShazamKit is supported on Mac Silicon with a Designed for iPad app when using latest iOS version.
Can someone please provide some feedback please. I am completely in the dark on how to get my app on Mac (as designed for iPad) when using ShazamKit. It used to work, but I can't get it to work since latest release of iOS.
Also filed feedback, FB14091781
I think using artwork in your app through the MusicKit API is completely fine; I am doing it in my app as well. What is definitely not allowed is using artist artwork in your App Store app page. My app got rejected once because of that and I had to come up with fake album covert artwork. Hope this helps.
Following up on this thread, I can successfully load playlists using MusicDataRequest. For example I can see playlist returned with and id of "p.aJe0ME5I3eZQ84d" from my Apple Music account.
Trying your code fetch the tracks of the playlist did not work out of the box. I had to modify it to
var playlistRequest = MusicCatalogResourceRequest<Playlist>(matching: \.id, equalTo: MusicItemID(playlistId)), i.e. wrapping the returned playlist id to a MusicItemID. Is this correct?
Because using the id this way, it results in the following error:
[DataRequesting] Failed to perform MusicDataRequest.Context(
currentRetryCounts: [.other: 1]
) with MusicDataRequest.Error(
status: 404,
code: 40400,
title: "Resource Not Found",
detailText: "Resource with requested id was not found",
originalResponse: MusicDataResponse(
data: 159 bytes,
urlResponse: <NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x00000002829a78a0>
What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks for this. Can you also help with how to get a list of library playlists for the user, like you can with the Apple Music API endpoint: