




NSUpdateSecurityPolicy don't work or how to request App Managment permission?
I have two MAUI Mac Catalyst apps. According to this guide I created certificates, signed Release versions of applications, packed them with pkgbuild and productbuild which I also signed with created certificate They are both signed with same Code Signing key, have same team id. I had set up NSUpdateSecurityPolicy like this: Using codesign -dv I cheked that updater, old and new versions of app share same Team Id and have correct bundle identifiers After update, updater wants to overwrite old app contents, but it always receives UnathorizedAccessException when touching any file located in application If my updater app has "App Managment" or "Full disk access" permission in System settings, everything works fine, but user needs to set up it manualy, that is not comfortable, so how can I request this permission? Also according to what I know, application don't need this permission if it's Team ID set up in NSUpdateSecurityPolicy Maybe I incorrectly set up NSUpdateSecurityPolicy, but I can't notice anything wrong. Also, can it be because I overwrite application using MAUI and C#? Thanks a lot for any answer!
Jul ’24
“App” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin." When updating application
I have two Mac Catalyst C# MAUI apps. First is main application, second is updater. My updater works like that: it downloads ZIP-archive of .app of main application from server, and extracts it to directory where app is placed(folder in user directory, with two .apps of updater and main one), overwriting files. When I want launch application, I have error "App” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Bin." . Although I can permit app opening in Settings, it occurs after every update, so it can be annoying to user. Also, both apps are signed, and there is app identifier of updater in NSUpdateSecurePolicy in Info.plist of main app. What can I do with this? How can I update my app without any warnings? Thanks a lot in advance for answer!
Jul ’24
NSUpdateSecurityPolicy don't work
I have two apps written in MAUI Mac Catalyst Framework -- one is main app, second is app updater. My updater works this way: it is located in the same directory as main app: firstly it deletes folder, then unzips new Contents folder that was downloaded from server. I added NSUpdateSecurityPolicy dictionary as in and create application like . It looks that I wrote everything fine pkgbuild --install-location '/Library/Application Support/First' --root root --ownership preserve # aslo signing, etc But on user's macOS, system does not allow to delete Contents folder: I have IO_Access denied exception. Can it be because main app is sandboxing or something else? What I can do wrong? Thanks a lot in advance!
Apr ’24
App is damaged and can't be opened even if I notarized it
I have two apps that installed by .pkg . They are both signed by Developer Application . One of my apps has purpose of updating another app. It is implemented by deleteting it from folder, and unzipping archive with new .app to it's folder. Even if new app is signed and notarized, has stepled ticket on it, I get error "App is damaged and can't be opened". In Secrity and Confidentiality preferences I have warning that developer is unauthorized, even if this new app is notarized and signed. How can I implement app update to not throw error that app is damaged> Thanks a lot in advance
Apr ’24