




Is it possible to retrieve EXIF metadata from PHAsset without downloading photos (even if offloaded to iCloud Photo Library)?
iOS (Official) Photos app can display some EXIF-related metadata (e.g. camera and lens info, ISO, shutter speed, F-number) even when photos are offloaded to iCloud and the device is not connected to internet (e.g. airplane mode). However, with the Photos.framework, we need to download photos to retrive those metadata (which means it will not work with airplane mode). I tried the following methods, but none of those worked when photos were offloaded to iCloud and the device was in airplane mode: Requesting data with PHImageManager.default().requestImageDataAndOrientation Result: It does not return Data if the photo is not stored locally on the device, even with options.deliveryMode = .fastFormat Converting PHAsset#localIdentifier to an AssetsLibrary.framework URL (assets-library://asset/...) (I am aware that AssetsLibrary.framework is deprecated, but this was just a test.) Result: If PHImageManager does not returns Data, ALAsset#defaultRepresentation().metadata() returns an empty NSDictionary
Nov ’24
Is it possible to get only audio from ScreenCaptureKit?
I'm creating app that listening other app's sound. in this use case, screen data is not needed. but if I don't call SCStream#addStreamOutput(_, type: .screen, ...), console shows this error: [ERROR] _SCStream_RemoteVideoQueueOperationHandlerWithError:701 stream output NOT found. Dropping frame currently I'm setting SCStreamConfiguration#minimumFrameInterval to large value (e.g. 0.1fps) as workaround, but it would be good if i can completely disable screen capture for best performance. there is any way to disable screen capture and only captures apps audio?
Oct ’22
Is there a way to shows detail texts and titles with a UIListContentConfiguration.subtitleCell() style on SwiftUI's List/Form?
I'm replacing Settings screen on my app with SwiftUI. My App's Settings screen have a some fields that have a Toggle Switch, Title, and Subtitle. but It is a hard to correctly reproduces UIListContentConfiguration.subtitleCell() layout in SwiftUI. I'm trying by this code: Toggle(isOn: $someFlag) { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text("Title") Text("some descriptions about this toggle switch").font(.footnote) } } screenshots: but it has some of issues: wrong font size; subtitle of SwiftUI version is little a bit bigger than UIKit version wrong padding; SwiftUI version has less padding than UIKit version, which makes hard to read (only little a bit, but I want to stick to its small differences) It might be solvable by manually adds padding, specify font sizes etc, but I feel It is wrong way. It should be exists a beautiful way to reproduce it. Is there a correct way to reproduce beautiful UIListContentConfiguration.subtitleCell() layout in SwiftUI? Thanks!
Jun ’22
Is there a way to prefer iCloud Private Relay on URLSession even HTTPS?
currently, iCloud Private Relay is It looks only affects if app is communicating with unsecure HTTP server (I don't know about WebView). but in some cases, we need to access third-party resources (e.g. RSS Reader app), and I want to prefer iCloud Private Relay on these requests in my app for protect users privacy. but in beta 1, I can't find API that prefers iCloud Private Relay in my app. I missed something? or I need to write feedback for feature request?
Jun ’21