




*** -colorSpaceName not valid
Here is a relatively simple code fragment: let attributedQuote: [NSAttributedString.Key: Any] = [ .font: FieldFont!, .foregroundColor:] let strQuote = NSAttributedString.init(string:"Hello World", attributes:attributedQuote) strQuote.draw(in: Rect1) It compiles without an issue, bur when I execute it, I get: "*** -colorSpaceName not valid for the NSColor <NSColor: 0x6000005adfd0>; need to first convert colorspace." I have tried everything I can think of. What's going on?
Dec ’24
Common blocks in Swift?
I am porting an old app from ObjC. The app uses many defined constants such as: #define COM_OFFSET 12.5 and many variables that are read and/or written throughout the App, such as: PCDate* Dates[367]; @class PCMainView; PCMainView* MainView; in one file called "PCCommon.h" How do I duplicate this function in Swift? I have looked around and have found no help. Thanks in advance.
Dec ’24
App behavior changed under Sequoia 15.1.
I have an old Objective-C app that has been running for several years. The last compilation was in February 2024. I just upgraded to Sequoia 15.1. The app has four subviews on its main view. When I run the app only the subview that was the last one instantiated is visible. I know the other subviews are there, because a random mouse click in one invisible view causes the expected change in the visible view. What changed in 15.1 to cause this?
Nov ’24
App that runs fine under Xcode 15 does not work on Xcode 16.
When I upgraded to Sequoia 15.1, an app that worked fine under OS 14 stopped working. Out of 4 views on the main screen, only 1 is visible. Yet, if I click where another view should be, I get the expected action so the views are there, just not visible. Only I can't see where I am clicking! I had to upgrade to Xcode 16 to recompile the app and run it in Debug mode. When I do, I get the following: NSBundle file:///System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MetalTools.framework/ principal class is nil because all fallbacks have failed. Can't find or decode disabled use cases. applicationSupportsSecureRestorableState FWIW - the only view that actually shows up is the last subview added to the main view.
Nov ’24
NSScrollView of a large graphic jumps when scrolling on OSX Ventura (13.0.1)
This is an internal app that displays a large NSView (50K x 25K pixels) within a NSScrollView the size of my 27" iMac. The code worked fine, scrolling both ways was very smooth, under the latest release of OS-X 12. I upgraded to 13.0.1 and now the scrolling jerks every ~ 500 pixels in either direction. I am using XCode 14.1 and writing in Objective-C. I notice the NSLog now contains the message "Metal API Validation Enabled" which it never did before. Is this a bug or has something fundamental changed in Ventura which requires changing the viewing code. (Memo to self: NEVER install a ".0" release. Let somebody else be the guinea pig.) Thanks for whatever help you can provide. Ron
Dec ’22
OSX NSFileManager Error 513
I am developing a new OS-X App. When I try to save a file using an internally-generated file name based on the most-recently read file, I get Error 513. Saving to a file whose name comes from NSSavePanel works fine. What privilege is the App missing? Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=513 "You don’t have permission to save the file “2022-09-03.xml” in the folder “2022”." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Volumes/HDD2/Documents/OS-X Apps/Polls/2022/2022-09-03.xml, NSUnderlyingError=0x600002765740 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"}}
Sep ’22