




Reply to How Can I Apply A vImage ContrastStretch To A Grayscale Image
Well, I think I will just create a 32-bit floating point buffer in the first place. I was hoping I was just missing a function definition somewhere (like vImageConvert_16UtoF). By the way, I had a second question buried in my post (sorry about that). What does the parameter "histogram_entries" represent in the vImageContrastStretch_PlanarF() method? It says it is the "number of histogram entries". Do I just pick a number? Or does it represent the number of unique pixel values in my data? Thanks, Robert
Reply to Best Way To Determine If Host Is Not Reachable in NWConnection
Fair enough on the timeout, Quinn. I was really trying to just determine if the connection was going to work at all, or was destined to fail. Looking for the error on the .waiting state works. But I have two additional questions: Should I specifically look for NWError? Or should I look for POSIXError? Or just plain error? Is there somewhere I can read how to do this without asking on the forum? Is there a record of the "lore" as it pertains to the Network Framework that I can study? Thanks again for the help! Robert