I'm trying to browse my Homekit accessories and try to show the different accessories communication protocols, i.e. Wifi, Thread, Zigbee, Z-wave!
Zigbee and Z-wave I can have hard-coded depending on model because I have so few!
But…. I can easily find all accessories which are wifi attached by using:
isBriged == false and
uniqueIdentifiersForBridgedAccessories == nil
However, I can see that some of the accessories are thread enabled (I have read the documentation for the accessory) but still in the list.
So, my questions:
Are there any attributes in the accessory that is unique for a Thread accessory?
for accessory in accessories
if(accessory.isBridged == false &&
accessory.uniqueIdentifiersForBridgedAccessories == nil )
// Can be a Wifi device but need more controls
// requiresThreadRouter???
if (true)