




Reply to SwiftData crash when using a @Query sort descriptor with a relationship
Can concur that I'm having the same issue- a @Query sort descriptor is causing my app to crash on launch, and the issue only began on iOS 18.3. Frustratingly enough, it doesn't happen when I build and install the app through Xcode, even on a Release configuration. I thought that it was fixed by just recompiling with a newer version of Xcode (I had built and submitted my app a few months ago) and it even passed the app store review, so I guess they're not using the latest version of iOS?? I'm very frustrated by this regression- I have a big marketing push scheduled for my app and this is the absolute worst timing for such an issue to come up. Now I have to wrangle with manually archiving and sideloading my app just to test whether a fix is working. Frankly, iOS 18's entire release cycle has just been a disaster. One of the buggiest things I've ever had the displeasure to deal with. Feels like this isn't the same Apple- even 2 years ago it feels like they'd never let such a buggy release like this happen.