Yes, I was able to get it set up and start my first Xcode Cloud build and test.
Thank you!
No, unfortunately I’m still having this issue.
My project meets all the requirements in the link from DTS Engineer, so I’m not sure what’s going on.
Thank you.
I think I meet those requirements.
I have an app record, as I’ve been uploading the app and using Test Flight for some time. Xcode manages the signing.
For GitHub, it says: “you need to be an organization owner or need the admin permission if you don’t use a GitHub organization”.
I am using a free personal Github account and this is a private repo that I created myself. Therefore, I am the admin.
Anything else I can look at?
I'm doing the same: first create a local config, which always seems to run the migrations (both lightweight and custom), then create the cloudKit config and use that.
I really don't like this solution, but it works and I can't find another way around it.
Tried this on an actual device: same issue.
Thank you, that did it! I should have thought about that.
This fixes the MainActor issue for me, but I still get "Trip has no member 'preview'." Did you have to do something else to get that part to work? This is in beta 2.
Thanks for the work-around. While annoying at least my app compiles now. I've filed a feedback as well: FB11507827.
I'm experiencing the same on iOS16 beta 4.