




Scan Advanced App Clip Experience QR code does not open App Clip Card
Hi guys, we have been stuck on this issue for over two weeks, please help. Problem We created a advance app clip experience which is current in Received status. We expect scan the QR code of the url of the experience will open app clip card (Using the iOS system scan tool in the control panel), but it opens the Safari to display the url. We have search the internet for a few days and contact apple support, but it does not resolve the issue, and we are suggested to find help here. Sample QR code that should open the App Clip Card when scanned There are the details to help diagnostic. apple-app-site-association file content { "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "", "paths": [ "*" ] } ] }, "appclips": { "apps": [ "" ] } } The AASA file is located at: The associated domains config Full app target: App clip target: The advanced app clip experience list The Settings - Developer - App Clips Testing - Diagnostics outputs From an iPhone in China From an iPhone in USA The From Your Website section's outputs are different. For both diagnostics, The Register Advanced Experience, App Clip Published on App Store, and Associated Domains under Codes and Tags section are not marked with the green checkmark. Scan the QR code of the default app clip experience link, The system opens the App Clip Card successfully. URL: Click the Open button of the Smart App banner can open the app clip card If more information is needed, please let me know.
Jan ’25