




Reply to [bug report] Unicode characters with "variation selectors" are not rendered in the iPhone Safari browser (webkit) with iOS 17.3
This isn't working for the Variation Selector-15 (U+FE0E) for all the characters. Can you please apply that variation selector to all your Unicode characters? I) Steps to reproduce the issue: navigate in safari to the page II) Expected result: as the 1st column of characters have the Variation Selector-15 (U+FE0E) applied, and the 2nd column have the Variation Selector-16 (U+FE0F) applied, the first column should always display orange characters and the second column emoji characters. III) Error result: some characters are working fine in the 1st column and displayed as text in orange colour, but some other aren't displayed as text, but displayed as emojis instead.
Apr ’24