Ah, thanks for that bit of info. I hadn't seen the comment feature before and figured it was a new way of replying to a specific reply. Odd.
So I'll add it to my ever-growing pile of unresolved bugs. Neato.
BTW, the review team wouldn't let me use the entitlement, even though it's the only way I've found to workaround the bug, so I disabled the feature to open the Spotlight window for now. Hopefully this will be fixed toot sweet so I can enable it again.
Although the web page for Code-level Support Request has a blurb that says DTS will be answering questions directly in these forums between May 30 through June 17, and "will not be reviewing private support requests". So does that mean I can submit a request, but it will be ignored until June 18?
That was next on my list, if nobody had an answer for me here. I've also reported this as a bug.
Any luck?
It's also not clear how to call the selectors that are passed in to methods like:
canCloseDocumentWithDelegate:(id)delegate shouldCloseSelector:(nullable SEL)shouldCloseSelector contextInfo:(nullable void *)contextInfo;
shouldCloseWindowController:(NSWindowController *)windowController delegate:(nullable id)delegate shouldCloseSelector:(nullable SEL)shouldCloseSelector contextInfo:(nullable void *)contextInfo;
I'd love to see actual working examples of those methods.
Any chance the 2 settings in Sound & Haptics->Keyboard Feedback for Sound and Haptics are available to keyboard extensions?
OMG, user error, but one that Apple could prevent. I revisited the docs for keyboard extensions and found it right in the first paragraph:
Custom keyboards operate in a sandboxed environment running in an isolated process. This sandbox’s default configuration disallows access to the network and prevents writing to the containing app’s shared group containers (reading is permitted). Open access lets you do things like store keyboard configuration, perform more complex analysis on text the user typed, or provide advanced features that require server support.
But Apple could help developers by mentioning RequestsOpenAccess in the error message instead of being somewhat cryptic about it.
That's too bad. I'll submit a bug.
I just reloaded the window in Safari showing my app, and now a couple of the screenshots *do* appear and are no longer the grey with cloud thumbnail. So I'm guessing some server is just overloaded or something and it will eventually finish. Or not.
Yup. I guess we just sit and wait for somebody to fix their really obvious bug. Maybe all the developers are busy fixing the enormous number of obvious bugs in macOS 11.
Reported it via Feedback Assistant: radar://FB8976473 (if that still works for the Apple people like it used to)
Ack. Turns out I need to also turn on portraitEffectsMatteDeliveryEnabled, which is stupid. Strange that it works on my iPhone X but not on my 11" iPad Pro.
I had gone through and turned off things I didn't need, not imagining that turning off the portrait image would cause it to fail with such an unhelpful error.
I've worked around this annoyance by using a regular window instead of a palette and am presenting it modally. It now appears during state restoration.