I'm exploring using a handful of frameworks to share code between macOS apps. However, one of these frameworks needs privilege to function. The main app has a helper tool utilizing SMAppService. However, I can't work out if there's a feasible way to use that helper tool to support the framework dependency. Should I be creating a second helper tool for the framework instead? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?
We have recently added WidgetKit widgets to an existing product, and they've been working great on Macs using Big Sur and later. Recently, when installing a build on a Montery Mac, the widgets were no longer in Notification Center. After some trial and error, we discovered that if we build the project with Xcode 15.4, the widgets appear, but if we build with Xcode 16, the widgets vanish. This seems to happen on Macs running Big Sur or Monterey. The project is being built on Macs running Sonoma (both Apple Silicon and Intel).
Is there a build setting in Xcode 16 that may have this effect?
I have existing code in production that links against the mach-o library, and uses the following code:
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes: getsectiondata(&_mh_execute_header, "__TEXT", "__somePlist_plist", &len) length:len];
In order for this to compile with Sequoia Beta 4 and Xcode 16 beta 4, I have to replace _mh_execute_header with _mh_dylib_header.
If I don't, the compiler raises the following error:
ld: Undefined symbols:
__mh_execute_header, referenced from:
-[MyClass init] in MyClass.o
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Any idea why the linking behavior might have changed? Should I file a bug?
(I realize this is a C issue, not Objective-C - but didn't find a tag for that)
I have a menu bar extra app that includes a sub-menu for lesser used functions. The sub menu implements .keyboardShortcut for a few of the menu items. When the app is first the active app, the keyboard shortcuts only produce a beep UNTIL the sub menu has been accessed. Once the sub-menu has loaded, the keyboard shortcuts work as expected.
I should note that the MenuBarExtra is using the .window display mode, if that's important. The submenu appears with a button press within the MenuBarExtra.
Is there a method to expose the keyboard shortcuts to the system before the view has loaded?
Branching from a previous post titled "Privileged daemon using SMAppService in macOS Sequoia," I have a privileged daemon using SMAppSerice that works in Sonoma and Ventura. In the previous OS versions, privilege is applied in System Settings: Login Items, Allow in the Background.
Under macOS sequoia, the daemon appears by its bundle id instead of the parent app, and underneath it reads "Item from unidentified developer" and does not run, even when enabled.
I'm wondering if additional steps are needed in the new OS to sign privileged daemons properly?
I have some existing code that registers a privileged daemon using SMAppService. In Ventura and Sonoma, the privileged item gets added to Login Items (allow to run in background), and must be toggled on to finish granting privileged access. In 15.0 Beta (24A5264n), the app doesn't show up in the Login Item list.
Is there something I should be doing differently to use this framework in Sequoia?
I am attempting to install and utilize an agent using the new(ish) SMAppService API with an existing app. The agent appears to install (no error is returned), but when I try to start the agent from Terminal, I get the following in the launchd.log:
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469039 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent) : internal event: WILL_SPAWN, code = 0
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469080 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent) : service state: spawn scheduled
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469081 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent) : service state: spawning
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469100 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent) : launching: one-shot
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469105 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent) : Allowing non-reentrant proxy for resolving path
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469947 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : xpcproxy spawned with pid 71866
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469960 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : internal event: SPAWNED, code = 0
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469964 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : service state: xpcproxy
2024-04-22 09:57:27.469997 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : internal event: SOURCE_ATTACH, code = 0
2024-04-22 09:57:27.506283 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : Service could not initialize: posix_spawn(/Users/chrisf/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Redacted-gttupgdyakodzddurpavhmscwabs/Build/Products/Debug/Redacted App.app/Contents/MacOS/Service Agent.app), error 0xd - Permission denied
2024-04-22 09:57:27.506306 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : initialization failure: 23E224: xpcproxy + 31420 [1098][A7EF179C-FBCC-349E-A7D2-09B2F1408413]: 0xd
2024-04-22 09:57:27.506309 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : internal event: INIT, code = 13
2024-04-22 09:57:27.506313 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : job state = spawn failed
2024-04-22 09:57:27.507148 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : xpcproxy exited due to exit(78)
2024-04-22 09:57:27.507153 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : exited due to exit(78)
2024-04-22 09:57:27.507162 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : already handled failed init, ignoring
2024-04-22 09:57:27.507170 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : service state: exited
2024-04-22 09:57:27.507186 (gui/502/com.redacted.service.agent [71866]) : internal event: EXITED, code = 0
(tldr: error 0xd - Permission denied)
I'd also be curious how we are expected to launch agents once registered with SMAppService. Is it sufficient simply to make an XPC call to an exposed method?
I'm drawing a colored gradient inside a rectangular Bezier curve within a custom View's drawRect method using drawInBezierPath. When I convert the view to a PDF using drawInBezierPath, the gradient is replaced with gray. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
My widget seems stuck in time. Regardless of what changes I make to the widget, they are not reflected in the simulator. Further, I've placed a breakpoint in getTimeline(in, completion) and it isn't getting called.
Any ideas?
I'm building a menuBarExtra app for macOS, and I want to make a Quit menu available from a sub menu in the menuBarExtra, because the main window may be closed.
When I try to add .keyboardShorcut("q") to the Button within Menu{}, the shortcut doesn't display, presumably because it's taken by the Quit menu item in the Application Menu. Any way to tell SwiftUI that they're doing the same thing so it will share the keyboard shortcut?
I'm manually placing a subclass of NSView into the parent view using addSubview:positioned:relativeTo. The dirtyRect passed to drawRect: is wildly incorrect. Can folks attempt to reproduce and file bugs? This is awfully close to the release of Sonoma, and I feel like folks with bezier curves (or maybe other drawing code?) in their NSView subclasses are going to experience problems.
To reproduce, place a view (I'm using an NSImageView) as a subview within a view.
Then, create a subclass of NSView and draw a bezier curve in the drawRect method. Add an instance of this subclass as a subview of your original view. I'm offsetting the x value for clarity. When I build with Xcode 15 and run on Ventura or earlier, I get the correct result. Or, if I build with Xcode 14.3 and run on Sonoma I get the correct result. However, when I build in Xcode 15 and run on the RC build of Sonoma, I get a whacky result.
I get something like (origin = (x = -264, y = -146), size = (width = 480, height = 388)) for the dirtyRect in the error case, while the rect is supposed to be (origin = (x = 0, y = 0), size = (width = 48, height = 48)) (I'm basing the frame of the new view on the original image.)