I am following the Apple sample code and trying to add a manual focus lens position slider:
@available(iOS 18.0, *)
private func addCameraControls() {
if !self.session.controls.isEmpty {
for control in self.session.controls {
self.cameraControlFocusSlider = nil
//Focus Slider
if self.videoDevice!.isLockingFocusWithCustomLensPositionSupported {
self.cameraControlFocusSlider = AVCaptureSlider("Focus", symbolName: "dot.square", in: 0.0...1.0)
self.cameraControlFocusSlider!.setActionQueue(self.sessionQueue) { focusValue in
//Do manual focus
if self.session.canAddControl(self.cameraControlFocusSlider!) {
So there are these AVCaptureSessionControlsDelegate methods:
final func sessionControlsDidBecomeActive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
print ("sessionControlsDidBecomeActive")
final func sessionControlsWillEnterFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
print ("sessionControlsWillEnterFullscreenAppearance")
final func sessionControlsWillExitFullscreenAppearance(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
print ("sessionControlsWillExitFullscreenAppearance")
final func sessionControlsDidBecomeInactive(_ session: AVCaptureSession) {
print ("sessionControlsDidBecomeInactive")
So when self.cameraControlFocusSlider is presented, I have to show the current value of the lense position. Lens position can change from auto focus and also from manual focus by the user using the app UI. Is there a way to see if self.cameraControlFocusSlider is active or being used?
Please note that I will have more than one AVCaptureSlider in the final code.
On the WWDC24 session video 'Enhance your UI animations and transitions', Appls shows these new animation methods for UIKIT:
switch gesture.state {
case .changed:
UIView. animate(.interactiveSpring) {
bead.center = gesture.translation
case .ended:
UIView. animate(spring) {
bead.center = endOfBracelet
As of iOS 18 Beta 2, I get an error for `UIView. animate(.interactiveSpring)`
These new methods are not available yet?
I already have an iOS 17 App Intent that works with a URL:
@available(iOS 16, *)
struct MyAppIntent: AppIntent {
static let title : LocalizedStringResource = "My App Inent"
static let openAppWhenRun : Bool = true
func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult{
await UIApplication.shared.open(URL(string: "myapp://myappintent")!)
return .result()
Now, with iOS 18 and Control Widgets, I want to create a Control Widget button that smply opens the app with the same URL. However UIApplication code is not allowed within extensions. For this, Apple says to use OpenIntent which is shown here:
Apple Sample Code from the link:
import AppIntents
struct LaunchAppIntent: OpenIntent {
static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Launch App"
@Parameter(title: "Target")
var target: LaunchAppEnum
enum LaunchAppEnum: String, AppEnum {
case timer
case history
static var typeDisplayRepresentation = TypeDisplayRepresentation("Productivity Timer's app screens")
static var caseDisplayRepresentations = [
LaunchAppEnum.timer : DisplayRepresentation("Timer"),
LaunchAppEnum.history : DisplayRepresentation("History")
WWDC session video about this does not cover this particular method in detail and also this sample code is a bit confusing.
So how can I alter this code to just open the app with a URL?
With iOS 18, when you tint Home Screen, the widgets also need to pick up the tint. How do you detect this within SwiftUI?
I didn't see WWDC24 sessions addressing this.
After the session video, "Build a great Lock Screen camera capture experience", was unclear about the UI.
So do developers need to provide a whole new UI in the extension? The main UI cannot be repurposed?
WWDC23 Platform State of the Union mentioned that Volume shutter buttons to trigger the camera shutter is coming later this year. This was mentioned at 0:30:15.
Would anyone know when this will be available?
With AVFoundation, how do you set up the new 24MP capture on new iPhone 15 models?
I strongly believed it was in videodevice.activeFormat.supportedMaxPhotoDimensions array, but not.
I am trying to display HDR Images (ProRAW) within UIImageView using preferredImageDynamicRange. This was shown in a 2023 WWDC Video
let imageView = UIImageView()
if #available(iOS 17.0, *) {
self.imageView.preferredImageDynamicRange = UIImage.DynamicRange.high
self.imageView.clipsToBounds = true
self.imageView.isMultipleTouchEnabled = true
self.imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
I pull the image from PHImageManager:
let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
PHImageManager.default().requestImage(for: asset, targetSize: self.targetSize(), contentMode: .aspectFit, options: options, resultHandler: { image, info in
guard let image = image else {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.imageView.image =image
if #available(iOS 17.0, *) {
self.imageView.preferredImageDynamicRange = UIImage.DynamicRange.high
The image shows successfully, yet not in HDR mode (no bright specular highlights, as seen when the same image ((ProRAW) is pulled on the native camera app.
What am I missing here?
I have a child view controller added and its view gets viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange() called every time a frame change happens. how do I avoid this?
So far I am using these:
self.viewRespectsSystemMinimumLayoutMargins = false
self.view.insetsLayoutMarginsFromSafeArea = false
self.view.preservesSuperviewLayoutMargins. = false
However, viewSafeAreaInsetsDidChange() is till being called. Is there a way to stop that?
New variants of SF Pro were introduced for iOS 16, but I do not see an update to UIFont API to use them.
Another thread on here specified that it could be done through UIFontDescriptor, but it doesn't seem like thee that is the official way.
I really wish there is more information on this. I am wanting to use Expanded for my iOS update.
Currently, I have an app that does not collect any user data. So the App privacy listing on the App Store is listed as "Does not collect any data."
However, it still receives app crashes and other reports that are available via Xcode Organizer. I believe the user enables this via the prompt "Share analytics, diagnostics, and usage information with Apple" at the system level.
So given above, do I need to change the listing to say it explicitly collects crash data?
With the new camera privacy indicator, there is a new need to pause the session at certain times, ie when the full-screen view is presented over the camera preview.
This was the only solution for me:
func pauseSession () {
self.sessionQueue.async {
if self.session.isRunning {
func resumeSession () {
self.sessionQueue.async {
if !self.session.isRunning {
This seems to be an expensive operation that takes time.
The issue I seem to have is if pause and resume are called near each other in time, the whole app freezes for about 10 seconds, till going back to being responsive. This is mostly due to it still hasn't finished the last process (whether to stop or start).
Is there a solution to this?
The native camera app seems to do this fine. If you open it, open the last photo, you can see the green indicator on the top right going off (after becoming orange briefly), meaning the session has paused/stopped. If you swipe down on the photo, the session resumes. If you swipe and let it get canceled, quickly swipe again you can see the session pauses and resumes quickly over and over without any issues.
On the crash reports, I am getting a lot of crashes with this crash report for two iOS 14 Widgets:
Foundation		_NSFileHandleRaiseOperationException
SwiftUI			 FileArchiveWriter.AppendByes(_size:)
My Widget			 closure #1 in MyTimelineProver.getTimeline(in:completion:)
When checked within the project, this happens in:
func getTimeline(in context: Self.Context, completion: @escaping (Timeline<Self.Entry>) -> Void)
I have one timeline that asked to update every 5 mins.
Any idea on when AppleRAW API's would be available?
Is it possible for a widget to be reloaded when the photo library changes?
Outside of Widgets, there is
Is it possible to use something similar to update the timeline whenever there is a change in the photo library?