




Reply to DriverKit: Check that driver is enabled on iPadOS
I too have the same requirement. With my USB driver I cannot tell the difference between the device being unplugged and the driver not being activated via the Settings app. I need to be able to direct the user to flip the switch when I know for certain that it has not yet been flipped. Neither the IOKit or SystemExtensions frameworks are available in iOS. Does anyone know of a workaround for this issue?
Jan ’25
Reply to IOServiceOpen fails with -308 Error (smUnExBusError)
If I do what I think I need to be doing to unmap the memory, when I try to open the service again, it fails. If I skip the step where I do that unmapping, the service opens successfully. Are you saying everything works if you don't unmap the memory? That is, when you open the device again without attempting to un-map memory, can you communication successfully to the device and proceed as normal? The way this is worded, it is unclear to me.
Nov ’24
Reply to AVAudioPCMBuffer Memory Management
Did you ever figure this out? I've been doing the same thing. I don't get any crashes but when I hand the buffers of to LiveSwitch for playback, there is not audio signal. I receive the buffer from a tap on bus zero. I send the buffer to the publisher. Buffer is received, potentially by up to two consumers (currently one). Buffer has to be converted using AVAudioConverter from Float32 to Int16, which is required for consumption by LiveSwitch APIs. Buffer memory converted to NSMutableData (required by LiveSwitch) Buffer wrapped / converted in FMLiveSwitchAudioFrame. Buffer raised to LiveSwitch for processing. Result: No signal.
Aug ’24
Reply to AVCam Example: Can I use a Actor instead of a DispatchQueue for capture session activity?
@enodev Thank you for your response. However, the answer seems to skirt the question. I don't want to use both Actor and DispatchQueue, perhaps in some sort of wrapped or nested form. I want to use one in place of the other. Your answer would seem to imply that this is not possible and that using an Actor with AVFoundation APIs that must run on something other than main, for blocking reasons, would still need a DispatchQueue.
May ’24
Reply to Internal Apple Developer team member does not appear in TestFlight. (User is in limbo)
It looks like the main culprit here is a lack of patience on our part. Another way of putting it is that the portal is slow when handling some operations and doesn't do the best job of reporting current status. In any case, coming back to the problem the next day showed the user and the portal in their appropriate states. We are able to continue with our test.
May ’24
Reply to DriverKit: embedded.mobileprofile has the wildcard USB Vendor ID instead of my assigned Vendor ID
Kevin, thank you so much for responding. My entire dev team just got together on a video call and spent 3 hours trying everything we could to figure this out. No personal reflection on you but Apple MUST do better. The information you provided above jives with most of what we discovered. The solution for us was to switch to automatic and also change the idVendor value from a String to a Number when moving from an wildcard value to a literal value. This appears to be necessary when putting a real Vendor ID in the entitlements file. This was a lot harder than it should have been.
May ’24
Reply to Lack of Vendor ID for “USB transport" entitlement and Can't find "userclient-access" for AppID
I have the same question with regard to the USB transport entitlement. I've added my vendor id to the appropriate entitlement files but my binary fails validation when trying to upload it to the store for distribution. The embeded.mobileprovision file in the generated archive shows an asterisk instead of my approved Vendor ID. How can I make sure the embedded provisioning file has my Vendor ID?
May ’24