




How to I cancel a task created by the new Swift `async` keyword and closure, after the fact?
I'm experimenting with async/await on some existing code and would like to cancel an async thumbnail download if the table-view cell needs to be re-used. The problem is that I don't know how to declare storage for the handle so I can cancel it later on. See the attached code. class PhotoCell: UITableViewCell {     @IBOutlet weak var albumLabel: UILabel!     @IBOutlet weak var photoIdLabel: UILabel!     @IBOutlet weak var thumbnailImageView: UIImageView!     @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!     private static var imageLoader = ImageLoader() //    private var task: Handle<(), Never>?     override func prepareForReuse() { //        task?.cancel()         albumLabel.text = ""         titleLabel.text = ""         photoIdLabel.text = ""     }     // MARK: - Public Methods     func configure(with photo: JPPhoto) {         albumLabel.text = "#\(photo.albumId.rawValue)"         titleLabel.text = photo.title photoIdLabel.text = "#\("         thumbnailImageView.image = UIImage(systemName: "photo")         /* task = */async {             if let image = await PhotoCell.imageLoader.loadImage(from: photo.thumbnailUrl) {                 thumbnailImageView.image = image             }         }     } }
Jun ’21
TableView inside of a CollectionView cell does not draw on row deletion.
Ok, the setup for this is pretty complex. I'm doing maintenance on an app I did not write. The view structure is as follows: At the base you have a UICollectionViewController. Each UICollectionViewCell has an assigned UIViewController within it. Each of these controllers is attached to the view hierarchy as a child view controller. The main view of one of these child controllers is a UITableView/UIViewController pair. Everything seems to be hooked up properly and working well except for one case. Assuming the table-view has more than two rows, If I swipe-left to delete the second row (IndexPath 0,1), the content or row one (IndexPath 0,0) goes blank. I can see the disclosure accessory view but the two UILabels up and disappear. If I tap on the blank row the tap behavior is still intact. If I refresh the table-view, the missing content appears as it should. To make things a little more interesting, this table-view is implement using RxSwift. Here is the code: private func bind() {         // Cell for row at index path.         let curriedArgument: (Int, Assignment, AssessmentTableViewCell) - Void = { /* rowIndex */_, model, cell in             cell.assignment = model         }         let observer: Observable[Assignment]         // For the widget version of this controller, only display the first N         // items in a table-view that does not scroll. If more than N items exist         // the user must tap the `More` view. For the non-widget view, show all         // available items in a scrolling table-view.         if isWidget {             tableView.isScrollEnabled = false             observer = viewModel                 .assignments                 .asObservable()                 .map({ Array($0.prefix(CPAssignmentWidgetVC.numberOfItemsToDisplay))})         } else {             observer = viewModel                 .assignments                 .asObservable()         }         observer             .distinctUntilChanged()             .bind(to: tableView.rx.items(cellIdentifier: "AssessmentCell"), curriedArgument: curriedArgument)             .disposed(by: disposeBag)         // When something changes, update both the widget and the modal view as         // needed.         if isWidget {             Observable                 .combineLatest(viewModel.fetching.asObservable(),                                viewModel.assignments.asObservable())                 .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] (isFetching, assignments) in                     self?.updateFooter(with: assignments, isFetching: isFetching)                 })                 .disposed(by: disposeBag)         } else {             viewModel.fetching.asObservable()                 .distinctUntilChanged()                 .debounce(.milliseconds(500), scheduler: MainScheduler.instance)                 .subscribe(onNext: { isFetching in                     if isFetching {                                    } else {                         SVProgressHUD.dismiss()                     }                 })                 .disposed(by: disposeBag)         }         // Select cell         tableView             .rx             .itemSelected             .subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] indexPath in                 self.tableView.deselectRow(at: indexPath, animated: true)                 guard                     let cell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? AssessmentTableViewCell,                     let assignment = cell.assignment else { return }                 if cell.assignmentResult != nil {                     presentOptions(cell)                 } else {                     guard let patient = patient, patient.hasPermissionToModify(permissionType: .assessments) else {                         let title = NSLocalizedString("We're sorry!", comment: "Notification error title")                         let message = NSLocalizedString("You don't have permission to complete this survey", comment: "Notification error message")                         let dismiss = NSLocalizedString("Dismiss", comment: "Button title")                title, text: message, type: .error).setDismissButtonTitle(dismiss)                         return                     }                     presentAssignmentEntryForm(assignment)                 }             })             .disposed(by: disposeBag)         // Delete cell (remove associated backing model value)         tableView             .rx             .itemDeleted             .subscribe(onNext: { indexPath in                 self.viewModel.remove(at: indexPath.row)             })             .disposed(by: disposeBag)         // Display last cell         tableView             .rx             .willDisplayCell             .subscribe(onNext: { [unowned self] (/* cell */_, indexPath) in                 if indexPath.item + 1 == self.viewModel.numberOfItems {                     self.viewModel.loadMore()                 }             })             .disposed(by: disposeBag)     } } Question: Why is the first row content being wiped out? Assuming no one can know the answer to this I have a follow-up question. How can I get the contents of the entire tableview to redraw themselves after a successful delete? I would have assumed the binding to the table-view on line 27 would handle this automatically when the view-model updates.
Feb ’21
OSLog crashes on device but not on simulator
import Foundation import os.log extension OSLog { private static var subsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier! static let session = OSLog(subsystem: subsystem, category: "session") static func Debug(_ s: StaticString, args: CVarArg...) { os_log(s, log: OSLog.session, type: .debug, args) } static func Error(_ s: StaticString, args: CVarArg...) { os_log(s, log: OSLog.session, type: .error, args) } static func Info(_ s: StaticString, args: CVarArg...) { os_log(s, log: OSLog.session, type: .info, args) } }I defined this extension for using OSLog instead of NSLog in my project. I then wrote the following code which uses the extension:/// Instantiate an array of `Tweet`s from a property list. /// /// - Parameter url: The URL for a property list made up of one or more `Tweet`s. /// - Returns: Optinal `Tweet` array. If the property list exists, is not malformed, /// and contains all of the key/value pairs required to create one or /// more `Tweet` items, an array of said items will be returned. Othrwise, nil func tweetsWithContentsOfURL(_ url: URL) -&gt; [Tweet] { do { let data = try Data(contentsOf: url) let decoder = PropertyListDecoder() let tweets = try decoder.decode([Tweet].self, from: data) return tweets } catch { OSLog.Error("Failed to load Tweet values from %@ with error: %@", args: String(describing: url), String(describing: error)) return [] } }Here are the arguments being passed into `OSLog.Error`:(lldb) po args ▿ 2 elements - 0 : "file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AD339CF3-71DD-4CC3-876B-9668F51ECF2F/Documents/ClientTweets" - 1 : "Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 \"The file “ClientTweets” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.\" UserInfo={NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/AD339CF3-71DD-4CC3-876B-9668F51ECF2F/Documents/ClientTweets, NSUnderlyingError=0x2833b0b70 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 \"No such file or directory\"}}" (lldb) po s "Failed to load Tweet values from %@ with error: %@"If the file I'm trying to load is empty, an error is thrown and an error is logged. I'm expecting this under certain test conditions. This code works just fine when running on the simulator. However, when runing on a device, invoking any of the status functions (Debug, Error, or Info) results in "Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10)". I check at runtime in the debugger to make sure that `subsystem`, `sessions` and my arguments are all properly initialized and make sense. They look good so I do not understand why this is crashing.What am I missing here?-Michael
Apr ’19