




Destination Video Sample
I have using the Destination Video sample project as a template to recreate a similar project. I have been able to update all text and images but when I go to change out the videos, it still plays the old videos. If I rename the new video to the old video name, the new video appears. Problem is, there are only two videos that repeat on different links. But changing the URLs in SampleData.swift to the new file path does not work. Any suggestions on how to replace a video with a newly imported asset? Here is an example of the code. Video( id: 1, name: "Landing", synopsis: """ After a long journey through the stars, the robot botanist and its trusty spaceship finally arrive at Wolf 1069 B, ready to explore the mysteries that lie on the planet’s surface. New plants to catalog, new animals to discover, and cool rocks to unearth. Follow along as the botanist’s mission begins! """, categoryIDs: [ 1004, 1005 ], url: URL(string: "file://")!, imageName: "landing", yearOfRelease: 2024, duration: 66, contentRating: "NR", isFeatured: true ),
Oct ’24